He Brings Nothing To The Table 😳 | UFC Saudi Arabia Media Day

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Listen to Israel Adesanya and his opponent Nassourdine Imavov answer questions from the press ahead of their main event bout at UFC Saudi Arabia on Saturday.
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Пікірлер: 365
@filmbuffturk Ай бұрын
This card is so much better than 312 lol
@RickyPetersen Ай бұрын
Not a single fight on ufc 312 excites me lol
@saiqanazam3263 Ай бұрын
​@@RickyPetersenddp vs strickland main event always has a crap ppv weather it's in Australia or Canada
@DrLaurelWeaver Ай бұрын
That card is an insult of a ppv
@Sharpee777 Ай бұрын
​@RickyPetersen it's not that bad
@NikolozKankava Ай бұрын
@@RickyPetersen Topturo debut
@itumo2645 Ай бұрын
UFC Media being slimy with the headline " There's nothing he brings that I haven't seen before" is quite different from the title of the video
@vidguru0062 Ай бұрын
i thought so too. UFC needs their clicks though i guess.
@GrecoNoRoman Ай бұрын
Ufc been slimy. Been dat for time😂
@markusbaker1161 Ай бұрын
@GrecoNoRoman Ай бұрын
@@markusbaker1161 yeah let dat effect you🤣🤣 be bothered by it🤣
@markusbaker1161 Ай бұрын
@@GrecoNoRoman *that. If you want to sound illiterate go ahead.
@Izzy-zh8ck Ай бұрын
This card is way more stacked than the 312 ppv. This feels like the ppv and next week fight night card
@SotaramMMA Ай бұрын
It's good for Aussie fighters that's about it. Few good new Aussies that have come through DWCS last couple of seasons. It could be looked back on like 221 in the future where both Izzy and Volk fought on the prelims.
@PopKornClipz Ай бұрын
Looking forward to seeing how sergie does after those 2 Ls. Hoping he's Very aggressive and sparks rozinstruik in the first round.
@ilgbviz Ай бұрын
Theres like 1 interesting fight thats it
@HowardJonesOfficial Ай бұрын
It's so much better when it's an open presser with all fighters.
@TaterTotsNFanta Ай бұрын
@kmt9949 Ай бұрын
Be patient it's coming
@travismccutchan3144 Ай бұрын
@@kmt9949They don’t do open pressers for fight nights.
@SunTzuMedia Ай бұрын
They do this style media day for all events on Wednesdays. Thursdays on a numbered card is the group conferences
@TheChubbzilla Ай бұрын
It's a Fight Night dude
@muathyousef Ай бұрын
The Arabic word adesanya said Shokran😂😂 mean thank you in English
@freesmells-d1n Ай бұрын
Impressed with the couple of questions asked and answered of Izzy. It would be nice to see more of that!
@mosesmusik3944 Ай бұрын
Love to see Izzy supporting Poatan! SO beautiful to see that CHAMA baby! 🥲
@danseth5775 Ай бұрын
@Xelmo187X Ай бұрын
@@danseth5775why not?
@boomarang3186 Ай бұрын
He's always been honest about his opponents. He gives to Caesar what is Caeser's. Wht I love abt Izzy is he doesn't hold hard feelings off the ring and he shows respect.
@JC-wd7ct Ай бұрын
Who's putting emojis in the title? So lame and unprofessional.
@Font_-hx2jf Ай бұрын
Fr it’s been embarrassing lately
@broly.h.a5698 Ай бұрын
Who gives a fuck about emojis😂
@Fvgoods Ай бұрын
OH no emojis 😢
@ShinryuRQs Ай бұрын
Getting pressed over emojis I couldn’t imagine being so soft
@teeeejaay89 Ай бұрын
Someone who’s 19 years old running their KZbin
@mymyparanormal1235 Ай бұрын
Allez mec la France est derrière toi quoi qu'il arrive tu as gagner pour nous les fans tu es un bon combattant au grand coeur
@bar-saiyan Ай бұрын
I ain't ever go lose a fist fight to a French dude as Bryan battle once said
@BaaL_187_ Ай бұрын
@bar-saiyan Ай бұрын
@@DESENDEDFROM7 yeah like Buckley and Allen...
@amaurybs5729 Ай бұрын
C'est son coach Nicolas ott qui traduit aussi bien ?
@JonDoe-ei1wl Ай бұрын
On paper, one of the best fight nights I can think of in a while
@PotentSenzu Ай бұрын
5:46 respect
@Fpl8646 Ай бұрын
This card is 🔥 better than most numbered cards
@ThumbPlay Ай бұрын
Hope he peforms well
@Aaaa111-b9k Ай бұрын
@decendant_of_the_italians Ай бұрын
izzy i’m proud of you bro for fighting the next generation passing the torch
@angelo3998 Ай бұрын
Izzys story is not complete yet, he will win by sub, trust
@Sciice Ай бұрын
​@@angelo3998 you really think so had he submitted submitted anyone before
@angelo3998 Ай бұрын
@ nope he hasn’t, that’s what I meant by his story isn’t complete
@AsapMilk Ай бұрын
Comment makes no sense since passing of the torch is used when the fighter is retiring. This won't be his last and definitely not something like Silva vs Adesanya
@decendant_of_the_italians Ай бұрын
@@AsapMilk couldn’t help yourself but to throw out negativity huh?
@mehdikhiel1832 Ай бұрын
Impressive to have an interview in fench,english and russian as a fighter .
@AlbanaisWrestling77 Ай бұрын
Go Nassour💪🏼💪🏼
@PandemoniumPirateRadio Ай бұрын
Damn. Only 6-7 years from "New Dog" in the yard to being the Old Dog.
@nxo91 Ай бұрын
Posting this on every Video is kiddish
@bruhwut8621 Ай бұрын
6-7 years is a long time in this sport man, and I’m not even an Izzy fan. Gotta give respect where it’s due.
@clem2414 Ай бұрын
6-7 years as a top contender and dominant champion is not the same as being a contender tho
@kevinvalentini4820 Ай бұрын
2018-2024 is a hell of a run for a Middleweight. Anderson Silva was a 1 in a million case.
@marmitaa8619 Ай бұрын
Doggygate will never die.
@MohamedAhmed-u3l Ай бұрын
Nasrudine means the supporter of his religion you are good example for Muslim fighters from France allah is the greatest 🇸🇴🇸🇴❤🇫🇷🇫🇷
@tested123 Ай бұрын
they dont serve coffee at the vegas pressers
@carloslastdond.c5091 Ай бұрын
i like this IZZY calm has a different look in his eyes, I will support this IZZY
@zeljko4189 Ай бұрын
Izzy should win this😤
@ZEREN_X Ай бұрын
Why did they cut his answer about skipping Khamzat 24:50 Come on that's is the best question being asked there.
@Qwerty163- Ай бұрын
Exactly ❓❗️
@amanwithadream6894 Ай бұрын
The mindset behind his comment regarding his "legacy" is exactly why he will either retire, if his ego allows it, or continue losing to those he believes "can't bring anything he hasn't seen before". It's this exact ego driven mindset that allows the human ego to be blinded by their own hype. Not only did Imavov bring "something", he brought the very thing adesanya has already seen SEVERAL times. The sad and undeniable truth here is that EVERYONE else see's what isareal's inflamed ego refuses to. Humbleness will ALWAYS reign over a worldly heart and inflated ego. The humbling that Alex Pereira started in "izzy's" life isn't over, it's just being continued through other's. Chasing "legacy's" and then trying to maintain them in tact is the demon that not only taints the very "legacy" one tries to create or protect , but it also distracts one from establishing the needed discipline of humility. As one can clearly see who knows TRUTH, Imavov showed a level of humility after the KO that adesanya is still afraid to learn or accept. Hopefully this self-proclaimed "most humble champion in ufc history" will wake up to reality soon, as the forced pill of humility only becomes much harder to swallow when we get older
@zikundeng9449 Ай бұрын
4:43 Is this the first time fighter gets coffee during press conferencce?
@ChrisF-fx5du Ай бұрын
Dude they have things delivered all the time it's just perks of being in the big show
@bar-saiyan Ай бұрын
War Nassour ⚔️🇫🇷
@L2Maxita Ай бұрын
IZI is already LEGEND ... when he will one time retire .... ppl will see that more clearly
@thefourfourfour9512 Ай бұрын
@ajrjoesph Ай бұрын
Yes tf go to bed 😅😂​@thefourfourfour9512
@itwasalladream3982 Ай бұрын
Izzy had 1 good performance to win the belt. 1 good performance as champ vs Costa. The 3 terrible performances. A loss. 1 good performance vs Alex. Then 2 losses. Ive been watching ufc since 1996 and that is not a legendary carrer
@Flex-hi8ry Ай бұрын
Nobody realise what they lost until its gona
@nxo91 Ай бұрын
@@itwasalladream3982 hahaha then you have been watching different stuffs in MMA
@graylee7025 Ай бұрын
Yes He may be corny sometimes, but Izzy is a great human being.
@nerfyama Ай бұрын
The current Izzy is the Izzy we all being waiting for so long ...let's go Love from India to all the fighters in that card
@Izzy-zh8ck Ай бұрын
khamzat vs Adesanya is still the biggest fight to make at mw.
@ItachiUchiha-ge6em Ай бұрын
DDP vs Chimaev is up there as well
@sunsetsamurai6170 Ай бұрын
Khamzat runs through Izzy
@CloudianMH Ай бұрын
@@sunsetsamurai6170 izzy has actual takedown defense.
@sunsetsamurai6170 Ай бұрын
@ USMAN got taken down by Khamzat.. all I got to say.
@thefourfourfour9512 Ай бұрын
@@CloudianMH LOLOLOL.. He would be slammed on his head in 3 seconds flat. Im not Khamzat fan or izzy fan. Neutral perspective.
@aliquabot Ай бұрын
How is this fight night card not called ufc 312?
@shinobee3126 Ай бұрын
That question about what is the different between legends was dope. Izzy is def a legend with how he's impacted the game!!
@JesseOwens-yq9ji Ай бұрын
Nasriddin imamov ❤❤❤❤❤champion
@emmanuelmaurice5777 Ай бұрын
Legend: Ethics (especially in this game),innovation, ability to make a difference in & out of the cage, humility, resilience…it takes years post-career to say someone was or will be a legend. Think Khabib
@colesharp8627 Ай бұрын
I hope Izzy can get a win again. He seems much more mature and humble after the losses, I like it.
@bryantangelo8777 Ай бұрын
His best attribute is his foot work
@MysticMan1111 Ай бұрын
Imavov gonna bring wrestling against Izzy and lets see🤷
@Ghost-304 Ай бұрын
Izzy definitely doesn’t want to fight Chimaev. If Izzy wins then he’s most likely fighting Chimaev next for possibly #1 contender which is mind blowing Chimaev isn’t next for winner of DDP vs Strickland 2. Izzy style has been figured out 4-5 fights ago .
@FromageFrog99 Ай бұрын
Swap out Strickland put in Khamzat. 312 is now a banger.
@antonytalia Ай бұрын
Champions gain accolades, legends give back.
@nicholasjochems3895 Ай бұрын
"If i lose my next 10 fights it wouldn't affect my legacy" Yeah that's prob what Tony thought as well.
@claudiolucedio2715 Ай бұрын
Nn mi sembra che Tony abbia mai vinto e rovinto una cintura , come fai a fare certi paragoni ...
@melcecne4003 Ай бұрын
Allez Nassourdine !!!! 💪💪🔥🇫🇷
@TheBlader02 Ай бұрын
Rock Lee would dust Izzy 😂
@charliechrie389 Ай бұрын
@Robkinggozer Ай бұрын
Izzy is still a huge danger to any mw. Still going with Imavov though, by tko last round.
@mrspiff6955 Ай бұрын
Lol. Imavov doesn’t have the gas tank for 5 rounds
@Robkinggozer Ай бұрын
@mrspiff6955 depends on how the fight goes. He lost in 5 to Strickland but kept up reasonably well in the last rounds, I thought.
@candyflozwang8946 Ай бұрын
first time that fight night is better than paper view 😂
@andreaskaphengst8121 Ай бұрын
Excellent questions and equally good answers!
@johannludwigwolfgang2889 Ай бұрын
Who tf watches a Power Slap press conference?
@jacae3059 Ай бұрын
First time in my life i like to see Issy win!
@anasshahid224 Ай бұрын
Man this UFC Saudi card is stacked, really hope Izzy and MVP win. 👏👏👏👏
@mattv4748 Ай бұрын
Izzy seems less douchie
@trevorcampbell4952 Ай бұрын
He knows he getting wrecked
@m0ntazz Ай бұрын
@@trevorcampbell4952don’t delete this comment lil bro🤣🤣🫵🏾🫵🏾
@xannyfrommars1897 Ай бұрын
@@trevorcampbell4952tomorrow night you will be proven soo wrong
@kevinvalentini4820 Ай бұрын
​​@@trevorcampbell4952 u wanna bet on that? He is gonna maul Imavov... his kick boxing is much better than N.I
@boksinjo Ай бұрын
@@trevorcampbell4952 are u slow or sum? Imanov not even threat...
@MalaNina007 Ай бұрын
Why hate on Izzy so much? He's really well spoken, not as cocky as some, also the one to thank for all of us being able to witness Pereira in UFC :)
@tacticalmattress Ай бұрын
Because he recently made a fool of himself a lot. Also not cocky? I think you just mean confident. No one has been taking jabs at him for that. All fighters should be confident. He made a fool of himself in the build-ups in his last few fights though, and has made some really dumb comments on twitter. He's no Jamahal Hill but hasn't been honest with himself, and others. People don't like that, and see through it.
@najeebshah. Ай бұрын
he is FAKE
@ogdong1259 Ай бұрын
"middleweight is boring without me" but he's not cocky
@Bez618 Ай бұрын
​@@ogdong1259 but it is though
@kingjames1586 Ай бұрын
Majority of Izzy fights are boring since he became reluctant to engage after the Gastlum fight
@kristianj1977 Ай бұрын
I agree with Izzy and if you take a look at Conor that's a perfect breakdown. He's a legend whether you like it or not, because of the impact and how he changed the sport. His morals and values are on the floor, but you can't deny that
@8ISSAD Ай бұрын
Nasrou in focus on the BELT. absolutley doesn't care who. just give him the belt
@Tiger21-is-the-best Ай бұрын
@joethomas6722 Ай бұрын
Izzy is a legend for sure
@roneldov Ай бұрын
Izzy can be corny AF, but I really like this dude
@PandemoniumPirateRadio Ай бұрын
Crazy how Adesanya both came and went, and is now on his way out if he looses this. And Jones has just been there achieving what Adesanya wished he did. Double Champ, unbeaten. Adesanya should have taken the Jones fight early. His coach wanted them to WAIT and he got beaten ANYWAY from Jan Blachowicz 😂 We should have gotten a Legend fight with Adesanya vs Jones a year earlier than that instead of the totally pointless rematches with Vettori and others who did nothing to Adesanya anyway. Fighting Jones would have meant way more. Adesanyas coach is too scared.
@CloudianMH Ай бұрын
lets be real, izzy isn't a gatekeepr, he is THEEE belt keeper. You get passed him to get the belt. A LEGEND has past, it is not today. A legend is past. YOU can be a legend before the end, but you cannot be a legend during.
@duramaxdad Ай бұрын
I had a good giggle.
@negmone Ай бұрын
Izzy looks hungry as in ready to shop some's headoff.
@thupermat1992 Ай бұрын
espresso and gum is wild - lessgoo issy.
@RagingCookie127 Ай бұрын
MMA journalists are so bad they even ask "How are you?" one after another 😂
@matttheboss7073 Ай бұрын
I hope adesanya comes back gets the belt and retires 🙏🏻
@Ghost-304 Ай бұрын
Izzy whole swagger has changed , Izzy answers is not normally what we’re used to hearing from Izzy.Izzy is definitely not going back to LHW lol. Boogie man is in the LHW division.
@jovedo27 Ай бұрын
I wish there was a weigh-in show for this 😔
@SteelKicker01 Ай бұрын
Such a different place since the Jan days
@Whetoman Ай бұрын
Nope unfortunately the young guy sent you back down,
@word2mouth678 Ай бұрын
min 24:28 -the disrespect that reporter shows Strickland, brushing him off, automatically assuming he'll lose the 2nd fight against Dricus as well. I believe so too, but that was funny!
@Flex-hi8ry Ай бұрын
Izzy def saw might guy using taijustsu on madara😂😂
@edvinas111 Ай бұрын
This dagestanee would never beat Adesanya at he's prime , even now i feel Izzy will take that W
@baggio-gooddeal Ай бұрын
peppermint gum + coffee combo
@aizen_sw2513 Ай бұрын
a delightful symphony for my ears drums
@baggio-gooddeal Ай бұрын
@ izzy preparing for everything rn
@BluntsBoozeAndBeatdowns Ай бұрын
After listening. I think I'm betting against Izzy .. not hungry anymore
I wish you success and more grace bro ❤️🥰
@user-pt5gr4dw9d Ай бұрын
Cub Swansons a legend who wasn’t a champ first name I thought of
@Daxen95 Ай бұрын
Poatan CHAMA!! 🤝🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 respect Izzy
@wisdomacademymhow2767 Ай бұрын
Isreal the Humble Adesanya ....now thst is Scary .......Isreal vs Khamzat should happen Next
@monric5730 Ай бұрын
24:21 Why did they cut out Imavov’s answer? What did he say?
@MixedMartialAficionado Ай бұрын
Izzy sound a little under the weather to anyone else?? 👀
@yteriaereh6467 Ай бұрын
jet lag maybe
@DoflamingoDonQuichotte-lv8en Ай бұрын
What is a legend? Demetrious.
@senadbedzeti2401 Ай бұрын
Inshallah both shara an mvp come with put to many cuts, its gonna be a banger!
@skipppppppa Ай бұрын
im suprised this is a fight night
@bobmuiler8508 Ай бұрын
Still big fan of izzy
@jordanrodriguez-tf2yv Ай бұрын
Izzy by brutal head kick KO
@mmacardguru Ай бұрын
1:08 nah, if you lost 12 fights in a row, it would affect your legacy Izzy
@414chino4 Ай бұрын
His record across all combat sports is 104 wins and 9 losses. very impressive legacy even with 10 losses idk just my opinion🔥 he is near the end of his career tho 1 bad ko loss would do a lot of damage to his career but not his legacy. Future hof
@mmacardguru Ай бұрын
@414chino4 HOF? Can I have whatever it is your smoking?
@noname-636jsh Ай бұрын
jon jones is the greatest p4p of all time
@damienpatrick8334 Ай бұрын
@@mmacardguru Bro, WHAT are u smoking?? Izzy is not a UFC HoF? I just wanna make sure I heard u right so I can laugh at you.
@kevindang4478 Ай бұрын
@@mmacardguru yes HOF? 2nd greatest MW of all time, 5 title defenses? You dont know ball
@anthonysanchez7379 Ай бұрын
Why be a gate keeper or fight lessor opponents whats the incentive? when you fight sub-par competition thats what you subject yourself to become. In this setting you actually accept the mentality that loosing is ok .
@propereagle1mma938 Ай бұрын
Don’t get it why these fighters are scared of telling out strategy khabit allways did 😂😂literally
@RC-sniper.77 Ай бұрын
@Shoga3. Ай бұрын
‏‪2:45‬‏ طارق فضحتنا 😂
@itwasalladream3982 Ай бұрын
Izzy on that tranq
@dancecommander3828 Ай бұрын
Izzi W
@hahnchen430 Ай бұрын
One does not simply chew gum and drink coffee
@jasonbaldini Ай бұрын
The Islam was a troll by him and these lifeless idiots keep beating it. Guys he’s not going to MW he wants to retire before that would be possible, it’s more likely he waits longer for 170 but he ain’t skipping it and he knows papa Nurmy would say WTF you doing bro???
@thefourfourfour9512 Ай бұрын
its not a troll .. he doesnt wanna fight Belal.
@soodmm13 Ай бұрын
Izzy is hungry... I have a feeling he is going to do something very very special
@drexb5213 Ай бұрын
Just 3 days and this comment already seems so old…
@soodmm13 Ай бұрын
@drexb5213 it hurts man. We are watching the end of an era.
@axelll971 Ай бұрын
LFG Nassour!!!!!
@naijaru17 Ай бұрын
It’s gonna be lid
@Sparta2.0-b8y Ай бұрын
This will be a blooody fight, belive me
Go Israel
@rickieowens4243 Ай бұрын
Sounds like a Scottish Plea Deal
@YiğithanDemirci-c8p Ай бұрын
I love UFC
@nunyabuziness8421 Ай бұрын
Leave it to the woman to ask the stupid question how does it feel to fight in front of the crowd😂
@thechosenone93 Ай бұрын
Take it easy man,there are plenty of wasteman male interviewers who ask stupid questions as well
@balabharatb Ай бұрын
I feel Izzy will win on decision.
@blakeleonard8552 Ай бұрын
Stop making all these fights so early wtf bro
@Mainson695 Ай бұрын
He already won next fight @Adesanya
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