Leon Edwards and Sean Brady face off for the first time! 🔥

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@notasilicaanimus 9 сағат бұрын
'They're all the same size when they're lying on their back' Pause.
@wst9659 8 сағат бұрын
@Bigriggo60 8 сағат бұрын
@DedHedZed 7 сағат бұрын
Unpause. Rewind. Record. Play.
@joondagoon6774 7 сағат бұрын
You know his gayme plan
@tijin999 7 сағат бұрын
You know what I dont think that's what one dude should say to another dude
@James-712 9 сағат бұрын
Leon said this same "He too small" "He's too slow" shi for Belal and we know how that turned out...
@unclejunior2668 8 сағат бұрын
Yeah well Brady got finished by Belal.. Belal’s last finish before that was in 2019 ☠️
@James-712 8 сағат бұрын
@unclejunior2668 And? Leon was getting rocked all over the place by Belal and got ran through. They are both Belal's sons either way
@Ajang-b4q 8 сағат бұрын
​@@James-712the fight was 48-47 belal ended on his back bleeding
@Audentes-uqu 8 сағат бұрын
Easy domination win for Leon
@3beamdreams 8 сағат бұрын
@@James-712Brady overrated.
@alexrobushi7043 8 сағат бұрын
One minute everyone loves Leon and now everyone roots against him. Gotta love ufc fans lmao
@kerbyfab 8 сағат бұрын
The most fickle group in all of sports. 😂😂
@gavinmitchell4477 8 сағат бұрын
UK fans haven’t
@TheVakama112 8 сағат бұрын
I really don’t think anyone loved Leon in the first place did they? He’s always been a boring fighter who mentally breaks in every fight. I’ve never seen him not struggle just to make it to the end of a round.
@r1pperduck 8 сағат бұрын
I dont think ive ever seen a Leon fan, even on yt. I dont see alot of hate, but nobody talking about him in general.
@wezreplex0 7 сағат бұрын
Leon would be nothing without Mario "the most aesthetic physique" Rios glazing him in literally thousands of shorts
@user-vb1bl6qw8b 2 сағат бұрын
Dont let him bully you son
@JJ_876 9 сағат бұрын
Sean gonna ragdoll for a UD
@justincoleman1692 5 сағат бұрын
I think he’s gonna sub him. I know Leon’s never been submitted and he’s super sound defensively but I think this is gonna be the one where people are like “damn ok Sean ain’t playin no games”
@aguywithoutaworry 4 сағат бұрын
​@@justincoleman1692Nobody in the welterweight division can submit Edwards lets be real here kid.
@CreamedCorn2002 4 сағат бұрын
Leon by UD
@Falcon_865 4 сағат бұрын
@@justincoleman1692sean aint subbed no one at a high level
@justincoleman1692 3 сағат бұрын
@ k kid 👍
@habowtat 2 сағат бұрын
I love this fight so much for Leon. HUGE REDEMPTION OPPORTUNITY. HUGE. I would be stunned if Leon didn't go in there and give it everything after last time
@wl7291 Сағат бұрын
Especially with how long it took to get a title shot
@MauricioRuffy-f8b 7 сағат бұрын
This is the reason why Leon lost to Belal by being cocky and overconfident. Stay humble otherwise, he might loose this as well.
@kygodragon4782 6 сағат бұрын
How did you just spell a 13 letter word correct, yet fail at spelling a four letter word? It's lose*, not "loose". Maybe do some English lessons and stop watching people fight.
@asharpbrotha4324 6 сағат бұрын
​@kygodragon4782 why do you care that much tho? Is it really that deep? You knew what he meant. Maybe English isn't his first language? Maybe he just made a mistake? Honestly tho who gives a F
@asharpbrotha4324 6 сағат бұрын
No I agree tho. I'm a fan of Leon and belal but going into that fight with belal I hateddddddd leons attitude. Very dismissive of belal like he's some nobody and then they fight and look what happened. He got dominated
@Falcon_865 4 сағат бұрын
How was he cocky and overconfident? Cause he said he is smaller then i thought wtf?
@Josh-vf2im 3 сағат бұрын
​@kygodragon4782 it's the youtube comments not a graded essay. You people are the worst
@markyalago 7 сағат бұрын
leon’s pretty big for the division, imagine if this mf could channel aggression 😴
@jking- 7 сағат бұрын
@sabercult 6 сағат бұрын
You can be aggressive but if you lack pop in your shots (Leon) then it doesn’t do you much good. Could potentially open yourself to getting KOed.
@savagegtalks5912 4 сағат бұрын
@@sabercult you felt the lack of pop?
@Calmzat 8 сағат бұрын
Leon Scott turning me into a Sean Brady fan 😂
@JoshuaSlosser 7 сағат бұрын
Brady foreshadowing how he’s gonna fight him lol 🥱
@ROLLYS_CHIHUAHUA 6 сағат бұрын
How else does he fight?
@JoshuaSlosser 6 сағат бұрын
@ wait are you saying what else is supposed to do besides be boring?
@bryce8418 5 сағат бұрын
Let’s go Sean Brady !! USA! Fly eagles fly 🦅
@drakeshotplays 4 сағат бұрын
Not all of Brady's ground game is boring his submissions are very entertaining stop trolling before he snaps your arm like a chicken wing in a kimura 😂
@dynamitenight8557 2 сағат бұрын
I mean it’s not a secret. He’s not going in there to kickbox for 25 minutes. He’s going to drag him down and beat him up. If Leon can stay on his feet he will win. If not it’s going to be a long (or short) night for him. I’m taking Sean Brady 49-46 with 10+ minutes of control time. 5-6 takedowns.
@chdz92 48 минут бұрын
I think This fight is going to be a snoozefest
@bobsagett 6 сағат бұрын
Brady about to take Leon under the bleachers
@PabloMartinez-qo4zh 8 сағат бұрын
Lets go Sean 💪🏼
@tylerjaime5094 5 сағат бұрын
I’m going for Brady on this one.
@joondagoon6774 7 сағат бұрын
Leon better ko this dude fr
@edwardhim2276 6 сағат бұрын
leon isnt a finisher bro
@BillyFuchs 5 сағат бұрын
@@edwardhim2276 Neither is Belal but he tko'd this guy what's your point?
@edwardhim2276 5 сағат бұрын
@BillyFuchs why would you expect a non finisher to finish a guy? because he lost to belal?
@BillyFuchs 3 сағат бұрын
@ No, but why would you expect everything to go the way everyone expects it to go in a sport that's crazy and unpredictable? So because someone isn't a finisher, you can't predict them to finish someone? I don't think Leon finishes Brady but it's not the worst prediction I've ever seen.
@Yelegjemb 8 сағат бұрын
Leon was a few inches taller too before Belal
@ansarisean 2 сағат бұрын
@Richard-zp3ok 9 сағат бұрын
Were all the same size laid down is a pretty sus statement
@bambammartin1556 4 сағат бұрын
Looks like two dudes squaring up for a drug deal at the docks
@triocha24 Сағат бұрын
Belal was shorter also & he dumped you on your head
@CR7KingForEver 8 сағат бұрын
Leon is one of the most boring champs ever
@gabriel-uc1uz 8 сағат бұрын
You don't even believe that...because Sean Strickland is so exciting....
@user-vn8ep4ng55 8 сағат бұрын
@@gabriel-uc1uzatleast Strickland has exciting build up, Leon is boring in conferences and the fight
@kourt7997 6 сағат бұрын
Thats why he said one of
@angelicacorbalan7352 3 сағат бұрын
Que dos grandes luchadores los felicito 👏🏻💪🏻🥊♥️🐴🇦🇷🐴🇦🇷gracias por estar en la UFC los veo siempre en la jaula tkm 💪🏻🐴🇦🇷🐴🇦🇷
@ImissGoldie 8 сағат бұрын
The last thing I wanna see this weekend is for “the end of Leon Edwards” 😢 I think Brady but I’m heavily rooting for Leon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
@Brayden-s5h 8 сағат бұрын
Aww nah I’m not trying to see Leon win his last 5 fights have been snoozers
@Snipersnake608 7 сағат бұрын
Sean Brady is WAY worse than people think. Dude has never fought anyone in their prime, never fought any ex-champ and the only future champ he fought TKO’d his ass. Leon is pure class compared to him, let’s just hope he’s ok mentally.
@joondagoon6774 7 сағат бұрын
No he isn’t. He’s trash 😂
@draco2xx 6 сағат бұрын
brady grappling is a problem for leon, and we all know leon could lose this one
@Snipersnake608 6 сағат бұрын
@ Who’s trash? Leon? If so, provide logical arguments beside your completely irrelevant subjective opinion. I’ll wait.
@Snipersnake608 6 сағат бұрын
@@draco2xx Anyone could potentially lose any fight, at any given time. That’s obvious. You state that fact like he has never beating a better wrestler before, this argument makes no sense.
@asharpbrotha4324 6 сағат бұрын
Your kinda making it sound like Brady is ass. I personally got leon winning this but I don't think bradys a bum
@Sebster456 7 сағат бұрын
Imagine getting TKOd by Belal 😂
@Rectrain3r 7 сағат бұрын
He didn’t tho Edit oh u meant Brady 😂😂
@BrandonCala-j8c 6 сағат бұрын
Imagine getting dunked on your head like a basketball in front of your home town by belyle
@captinejonhh252 5 сағат бұрын
@telliere 4 сағат бұрын
He’s the champ, no shame being TKOed by the champ
@aguywithoutaworry 4 сағат бұрын
​@@telliereBut the champ never tko anyone since 2019 though
@mildyCMF 3 сағат бұрын
The budget is so low 😭
@Nickchilla69 2 сағат бұрын
Lets go Brady!! Get him muthfka! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@DukeMadDuck Сағат бұрын
Much rspect to Leon man. Not everybody gets the Gaethje treatment of being matched up with strikers. Leon is getting matched with another heavy grappler after losing his belt to another heavy grappler.
@clintwiesen4761 6 сағат бұрын
Leon is about to go on a usman/izzy run
@lykastannis7662 2 сағат бұрын
Leon is still young though. Adesanya and Usman were around 35 when they declined.
@PringlesCan1968 7 сағат бұрын
"Bruv i was to sleepy bruv"
@swingair-internationalairw6150 4 сағат бұрын
I hope brady doesn't rely on his wrestling too much in this fight. I wanna see a banger man.
@theyoungKapitalist 8 сағат бұрын
Ngl I didn't expect the size difference to be so drastic doesn't determine a winner though.
@Nealeffort 8 сағат бұрын
I do really like Leon and I’ve been a big fan for a long time. I just don’t seem getting past this guy, especially with the style that he’s got he’s a striker but he’s not an attacker and he’s not relentless either.
@TojiBackWithTheMilk 5 сағат бұрын
hes fought usman and belal the style has nothing to do with it, sean is a worse version of belal in everyway besides the submission threat he wont be able to pressure leon against the fence the same way as belal could and he'll just circle away like he did usman
@L3WIS666 2 сағат бұрын
Leon only talks when he’s walking away
@lllDroplll 6 сағат бұрын
Brady gets the W. Leon acting like Brady isn't a problem is where he started to lose. Brady is really good... Leon will look like a lost puppy again.
@Ajtalksmma 5 сағат бұрын
Let’s go Brady 🦅🇺🇸
@thepeoplebrothers8017 Сағат бұрын
Sean tiny
@VipFitness4u 11 минут бұрын
That’s what she said 😂
@BrazFencil 4 сағат бұрын
Brady isn’t even gonna buy him flowers first?
@topbloke1683 3 сағат бұрын
i was stood right where they are earlier on, wasnt even looking out for them but i bet i just missed them
@drakeshotplays 4 сағат бұрын
Brady definitely getting a Kimura or a crucifix
@ND-iz6dd 8 сағат бұрын
I think Brady's got that fire to be a world champion. I dont see that from Leon. Leon mentioned he wants two fights and then wants to retire. I think his mentality isn't what it used to be. Grappler's break this man's confidence. I could see Brady doing that.
@godfrey5526 8 сағат бұрын
Belal humble him 😂
@I_run_These_Streets 5 сағат бұрын
Stipe and Leon have the same problem 💔
@rejachemno 6 сағат бұрын
Brady is getting kicked all day
@drewblenkley 5 сағат бұрын
bring nephew to work day 😅
@Atomic000z 6 сағат бұрын
I'm gonna be there hope it's at least gonna be decent every time I go it's been tom and he's saved the day in 1 minute 😂
@samueldiguardi2630 8 сағат бұрын
Brady a dawg...i gotta go with him. Leon hasn't dealt well with pressure lately
@gypsyking1645 8 сағат бұрын
Leon became the main man in a glimpse then let the fame get to him and got lazy belal schooled him he’s not on Belals level got lucky against usman and took away usman invincible confidence
@Fightookaishii 8 сағат бұрын
Pause bro cmon
@Brian_Moser1118 7 сағат бұрын
Mike Tyson was smaller than all his opponents
@360Fov 8 сағат бұрын
Leon went from beloved to disliked because he lost to what's his name.... MMA fans are so far beyond fickle it's unreal.
@vvonpanzerr3092 3 сағат бұрын
dun lethim bully ya son!
@draco2xx 6 сағат бұрын
leon could lose this one aswell, i hope he's more aggressive this time around or he will lose again cause brady style is leon's weakness
@Kayjay-pNative 5 сағат бұрын
Sean Brady's a dumbed down version of Belal Muhammad in every aspect, Leon has beaten every wrestler that isn't Belal, Leon by UD
@drewjenn9819 8 сағат бұрын
There's nothing weird about sizing up your opponent. Don't be weird, Brady.
@MrHovaboy31 8 сағат бұрын
My man he said the same thing about belal and lost don’t think Because your taller you will win
@drewjenn9819 7 сағат бұрын
@MrHovaboy31 Do you honestly think you're enlightening me?
@MrHovaboy31 5 сағат бұрын
@@drewjenn9819 then why the heck would he say the same thing again
@drewjenn9819 5 сағат бұрын
@MrHovaboy31 Because he was obviously speaking to someone about his experience. Perhaps they asked his thoughts. C'mon, bro use your head.
@kevinbarnes5051 9 сағат бұрын
Sean by submission
@ognasier7737 8 сағат бұрын
When has Leon ever been submitted 😂
@Born2winalways Сағат бұрын
Leon on the way to victory! No, he will get submitted in 3rd round as he will be tired by Sean's grappling and will be gassed out. Leon on the road to losses. Nice jacket though.
@AlternateMichael 8 сағат бұрын
No way UFC did a boxing PPV face off style
@Polar-Bloop 7 сағат бұрын
Typical casual they have been doing this for years
@User9870-l6n 7 сағат бұрын
Dana’s so cheap the men are outside the potential arena
@Fifield1990 8 сағат бұрын
That was a bit sus
@gustavodasilva1810 8 сағат бұрын
😂😂 Não esperava um vídeo dos memes existenciais!
@Youssef-hd5bl 7 сағат бұрын
belal's children
@samuelsantos89782 3 сағат бұрын
Well he's 5'9" then he's has the smaller height on this division
@AlternateMichael 8 сағат бұрын
Leon Edwards accent is adorable, love him but I won't partake in this event. Got work to do
@BassTurdsMMA 6 сағат бұрын
@Dhorn781 8 сағат бұрын
Dude got TKO’d by belal… let that sink in
@X22689 3 сағат бұрын
Probably shoulda said the same height , not size lol either way, grants a pause after it
@bradythomas9612 2 сағат бұрын
Belal's kids
@lskow4 8 сағат бұрын
Let’s go leon take his 0
@7empestTv 6 сағат бұрын
Nice to see everyone stopped glazing Leon’s overrated ass
@ElCyberWizard 8 сағат бұрын
Dang Sean is kinda smaller than I thought as well
@aegontargaryen573 8 сағат бұрын
UFC fell off horribly! Netflix better save the day, lower the start time and make fighters fight more than once a year! Trash cards
@Mason8283 8 сағат бұрын
Sean by back laying
@drewblenkley 5 сағат бұрын
suss from Sean😂
@Ash-gr3kg 3 сағат бұрын
headshot bum brady let's go Leon
@Mr-ye1vu 7 сағат бұрын
Leon 1 gear Edwards
@alexmma12 8 сағат бұрын
Leon by 49-46 UD or even KO honestly Dont forget Brady got TKOd BY BELAL
@lukamarcinkovic3573 7 сағат бұрын
But he is smaller than i thought as well
@hondacivic-uo8ne 8 сағат бұрын
@bbbbob-o8s 2 сағат бұрын
Brady via maul
@TheAntManChannel 8 сағат бұрын
Brady by TKO
@jtucker9476 3 сағат бұрын
Does anyone know what leons says half the time lol
My God hes so cute and small😂, easy night for the ex champ💪🌍😉
@boris_js 8 сағат бұрын
Never disliked someone as much as leon
@AlternateMichael 8 сағат бұрын
Why? He has a cute and gr8 accent
@alexrobushi7043 8 сағат бұрын
It is absolutely hilarious how quickly you mma fans change up
@aguywithoutaworry 4 сағат бұрын
@@boris_js Jones?
@danielwells91 Сағат бұрын
Moremember dah name
@NateSmith87 8 сағат бұрын
One of the worst "champs" in ufc history.
@dominicbonarrigo6502 8 сағат бұрын
Gonna be a snooze fest
@HomerJones-yj3to 7 сағат бұрын
Snooze fest of a fight
@Mmafanufc12 7 сағат бұрын
Leon is a scrub
@UğurayUzun 8 сағат бұрын
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@gamebredo8880 8 сағат бұрын
Another full 25 minutes boring fight incoming. mark my words
@aguywithoutaworry 4 сағат бұрын
@@gamebredo8880 Calm down, most of mma fans are expecting that.
@NoFatChx210 7 сағат бұрын
"They're all the same size when there laying on there back" 😂😂😂😂 AYOOOO
@James-712 8 сағат бұрын
Brady is very similar to Belal except without the crazy attributes of Belal. Like the cardio, durability and grit. And considering Leon made it 48/47 with Belal i give Leon the slight edge prob gonna be a boring 48/87
@LoneWolfe_XX 8 сағат бұрын
Brady showed cardio in his last fight
@AnujShrestha-gr5mt 8 сағат бұрын
Brady has a phenomenal cardio mate . I have my parlay on leon so im shit scared
@James-712 8 сағат бұрын
@ Not as freakish as Belals though
@LoneWolfe_XX 8 сағат бұрын
@@AnujShrestha-gr5mtI say make two parlays. But Leon is a underdog in this fight so it ain’t bad to bet on him for plus money
@Dynamo_06 8 сағат бұрын
​@@James-712 i agree on 4 weeks notice I don't expect Brady to gas out but I also don't see him replicating that crazy pace Belal has
@RVAKicksClub Сағат бұрын
@StefanG-ji7cq 6 сағат бұрын
Can't belive Sean is favorite! I think people just don't realize how good Bellal is!!
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