Payton Talbott - Origins | UFC Connected

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Payton Talbott reveals how a near-death experience ignited a passion for the fight life.
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@nicolasbaker9601 Ай бұрын
This kid is a new age beast. Straight up athlete. A lot of mma fans might not be able to stomach it but he's not afraid to be himself. And knocking fools out too
@nicolasbaker9601 Ай бұрын
@djtheory313 nobody gives AF about Andrew Tate bro
@ruzzlickjrmma2192 Ай бұрын
@@djtheory313Yo relax with the glaze, Tate doesn’t know you exist.
@-NxFace- Ай бұрын
@@djtheory313 Honestly with how unique peyton’s striking is and how much andrew telegraphs I bet peyton would sleep him 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@plasmapanasonic4741 Ай бұрын
His 24 nikka. He isn't a kid. Dana just low balling everyone.
@frankchialastri7374 Ай бұрын
Please never say nikka again🤦🏽‍♂️24 in terms of being in the ufc is absolutely a kid too btw. Fighters aren’t in their prime til 28-32. Even if he started at 18 to already make the ufc and to be 10-0 or whatever his professional record is crazy impressive! The guys he’s fighting most of them have been doing this at least double the amount of time he has
@GK-gr2mx Ай бұрын
They way he walks ppl down is savage !
@dailydoseofO2 Ай бұрын
this kid is next level cant wait to see where his ufc career goes
@hiraether6209 Ай бұрын
​@@djtheory313 Wow someone is very triggered by a "little man" to be copy pasting the same reply to every comment. I agree it's way way too early to know his level but you seem to take offense to his existence. How about go do something that makes you satisfied and whole instead of barking about someone who will never know you exist.
@Tony.5211 Ай бұрын
​@@djtheory313Don't act as if you know what you are talking about.
@Thuggshaker Ай бұрын
@@djtheory313Andrew Tate can’t fight😂
@zampha2065 Ай бұрын
@@djtheory313 Andrew, you've gone to the trouble of posting this twice in the comments mate. Andrew Tate, whose last three fights were against guys who were mma fighters (Miralem Ahmeti 0-14, Iulian Strugariu 1-2, Cosmin Lingurar 0 fights other than Tate) and seem to have zero kickboxing fights on their record. Just like everything else about the man, a confection to manipulate the gullible.
@johan9388 Ай бұрын
Was there another Tate glazer in the comments? What did he say? Idk how they can take themselves seriously lol
@Bigdaddynando Ай бұрын
Payton is the real deal. There’s no faking what he has. Real skill. I’m a fan.
@motorhead4870 Ай бұрын
@heisenberg9308 Ай бұрын
@benmcreynolds8581 Ай бұрын
This dude is uniquely talented. Just watching him compete you can see how well he understands his own Biomechanics. He stays very balanced, uses his energy very intelligently & it seems like he's very good at transferring his power into his shots. It's awesome he skates. I'm excited to see where his skills will take him
@MariosAlikatoras Ай бұрын
You talk so much but say nothing at all
@mhutch5082 Ай бұрын
Yapping about non sense.
@ZakiBTW Ай бұрын
@rdebaron Ай бұрын
@@benmcreynolds8581 sure bud.
@kooskoekemoer Ай бұрын
He should skate less and train more mma.
@James-712 Ай бұрын
I saw Payton Talbott yesterday at a progressive coffee shop. He listened to unreleased frank ocean songs and read feminist literature while being completely emotionally intelligent. He stood up to help an old, bisexual lady cross the street and I gotta say - he towered me man. This man was at least 6’0. At first I was terrified by his physical prowess but as he looked at me and smiled I felt safe. I think he’s single btw
@BrianBoru5523 Ай бұрын
Brilliant, he's a bit zesty for sure!
@samart333 Ай бұрын
What 😂 He's like 5f10 lmao. I think you're the short one.
@Sumotaji Ай бұрын
This comment is really weird
@ignaciojaque9983 Ай бұрын
​@@Sumotaji AF, not gonna lie LMAO
@brendon080909 Ай бұрын
@@Sumotaji No doubt, it grossed me tf out
@AnthonyGonzalez-zy5zm Ай бұрын
Man I keep forgetting we getting jiri and Payton because of the main and co main but dam what a card this is going to be.
@starojda Ай бұрын
That Berserk tattoo! I am even bigger fan now! 💪
@memo2995 Ай бұрын
what berserk tattoo? Am i missing something
@MattPowers209 Ай бұрын
Yes bc his chest tat is a Hollow mark from the Bleach anime ​@@memo2995
@5starJayces Ай бұрын
@@memo2995 super small on his arm
@gageabdul Ай бұрын
And the hollow tattoo from bleach
@starojda Ай бұрын
Berserk one at 8:23
@bbcmeatwad9097 Ай бұрын
The next gen is now !
@BizzyD13 Ай бұрын
The first time since Conor where someone has that "special" feel to the level Conor had it. We're witnessing the inception of a magnetic star.
@blorg3043 Ай бұрын
@KalAlcock Ай бұрын
I love the guy but he is nothing like Conor lol
@derekbrunsonfan Ай бұрын
Uh no
@BizzyD13 Ай бұрын
@derekbrunsonfan @blorg3043 @KalAlcock We'll circle back on this in a couple years.
@onyx6799 Ай бұрын
@KalAlcock Ай бұрын
Can’t wait for this guy to be ranked, followed him for a while now
@RyanJamesDuffy Ай бұрын
No you didn’t.
@SabrinaBaldassarre-d3v Ай бұрын
same here!!!!!
@rogeredwards4871 Ай бұрын
No matter what happens with McGregor he painted 2 or 3 masterpieces, left his mark for the next generation.
@cobracommander9138 Ай бұрын
Conor was a special fighter people forget real quick.
@eddiesantana3009 Ай бұрын
bro looks like he came out some teenage netflix show
@yeffersnow6128 Ай бұрын
JAJAJAJA tambien pense lo mismo
@Sliixde Ай бұрын
this kids sick asf. hes gonna be big.
@SmileyMikey Ай бұрын
Dayum, that's an intense childhood memory! Good luck, Payton. Reno's rooting for you.
@lilidoomer Ай бұрын
The way he walks towards the opponents so tuff
@cbaxtermusic Ай бұрын
Payton is the next biggest thing, future champ
@RyanJamesDuffy Ай бұрын
You guys will fall for every hype train the ufc pushes. He has fought absolutely no one…give it a minute
@jessexd9674 Ай бұрын
@@RyanJamesDuffy bro nobodies dont get into ufc u have to be decent lol
@just_j6514 Ай бұрын
​@@RyanJamesDuffy 100% 😂 The Glaze Is Strong With These Fools 😂 Dude Lost To An Old Unranked Journeyman. HypeTrain Derailed.
@jptothetree Ай бұрын
We need more guys like Payton in the sport! He's unique, authentic and a personality is a breath of fresh air to the sport. And obviously, dude can fight 😵 His aura in there is special and the way he finishes fights is so calculated!!
@DrewMartinez-x5x Ай бұрын
Met him and got to talk to him at Tahoe over summer. Such a great and chill guy, hoping for nothing but the best for him.
@SabrinaBaldassarre-d3v Ай бұрын
Payton you are such a natural blessed soul. I wish you all the best in everything that you will do. Great inspiration kid for this world! Champ!!!
@flangmasterj Ай бұрын
Dude is gifted as hell. So relaxed in the cage, sees everything and executes. Can't wait to see Payton perform tomorrow.
@KotenokFirr Ай бұрын
😿 so sad bro, but he needed this experience, just need to go forward and grow
@kv5372 Ай бұрын
His personality and authenticity is a breath of fresh air
@djtheory313 Ай бұрын
Isn’t this the little bantamweight that was running in his mouth about Andrew Tate? He does realize there is weight classes for a reason and Andrew would send him to the shadow realm. He needs to slow his role and stay in his lane.
@kv5372 Ай бұрын
@djtheory313 why should I care? all fighters talk trash
@djtheory313 Ай бұрын
@@kv5372 yes I agree but we all know why the little pipsqueak was talking about Tate.
@JCVV22 Ай бұрын
@@djtheory313 you’ve commented this a bunch of times already. We get it, you love Andrew Tate but no one else cares 😂
@flailingwagon65 Ай бұрын
@@djtheory313 glazing Andrew Tate in the big 25
@jaykirizz219 Ай бұрын
Talbott is probably my favorite up and coming fighter!
@RyanJamesDuffy Ай бұрын
Oh my god you are so unique! Congratulations!
@YQVN35 Ай бұрын
Love or hate him Connor inspired a whole génération of incredible fighters.
@finelytunedbodywork1616 Ай бұрын
Love the editing! His striking just keeps getting better! 🖤💪👹
@BigKC1990 Ай бұрын
Megan Olivi the legend 👍
@gmr7494 Ай бұрын
😂😂😂 Hype train DERAILED. He got big brothered by a 37 year old journeyman who was 2-4 going into the fight. Payton is going to need a lot of therapy after last night's assault.
@gavins_epic_youtube_channel Ай бұрын
calm down unc, he was a rookie going up against a vet, and Raoni isn't even washed he just went up against 4 beasts so honestly the future for Talbott still looks bright even though he's at a loss right now.
@gmr7494 Ай бұрын
​@gavins_epic_youtube_channel sorry to trigger you, fanboi. My deepest condolences to you while you grieve.
@gavins_epic_youtube_channel Ай бұрын
@@gmr7494 bro you must be like 40 this is insane terminology
@gmr7494 Ай бұрын
@gavins_epic_youtube_channel stop being so zesty bruh! Payton doesn't know you exist! Don't be a simp!
@gavins_epic_youtube_channel Ай бұрын
@@gmr7494 calm down I don't want u😭😭🙏🙏😭😭😭😭🙏🙏
@loganschmidt4299 Ай бұрын
Great piece - gotta love this kid. Sky is the limit for him
@CallmeVuks Ай бұрын
I was rooting for Saaimaan when he fought him, was sour when he lost but overtime Talbott has become one of my favorite fighters. He has potential to become a star for real.
@esemismo138 Ай бұрын
Great video Ufc Lets goooooooo
@ElPoopacabra1 Ай бұрын
Healthcare CEO's are thanking god rn that the UFC signed this kid instead of having him out on the streets.
@bossman674 Ай бұрын
Something special about this kid. I hope he lives up to the hype
@salfordsfinest04 Ай бұрын
the guy zesty asf
@ArchV8 Ай бұрын
No Jones 💅
@porkerpete7722 Ай бұрын
I welcome it. Hes different. It makes it 10x funnier that a zest fest KOs ppl
@Nick_Tank Ай бұрын
He is, he rocks both ways and he’s got aura
@Marvin-ut4xs Ай бұрын
Amanda Nunez retired so they had to get another one to represent
@fmcdomer Ай бұрын
Ur gonna eat ur words next few years
@shadyganley8877 Ай бұрын
Heck ya! Paintin Toenails is the man!! Lez goooo!!!
@kratosofspartareal Ай бұрын
"I think I'm representing a new freedom of personality in the MMA space." That is so........Payton Talbott
@MattPowers209 Ай бұрын
Strickland my favorite fighter but Payton Talbott's pole dancing ass pretty kool as well definitely a future Champion in the making
@chadberry317 Ай бұрын
Waiting on those Payton rookie cards! Give me a reason to collect a new Topps product
@leonelvillanueva1198 Ай бұрын
my king payton
@BrianBoru5523 Ай бұрын
@SirPraiseSun Ай бұрын
@MetalCactus0765 Ай бұрын
@@SirPraiseSunif he’s a princess what are you? Peasant?
@saltybrackishfresh Ай бұрын
Rigo turned him into a nice young man
@KylerIsRad Ай бұрын
🚨Incel Alert⚠️
@AHighlander Ай бұрын
Rigo got exposed.
@Aqua_Holic_Fishing Ай бұрын
These edits are so dope, most don't even understand. This kid is a beast, but I appreciate these video edits like crazy. Teach me, I'm ALL in!
@GoodPupFoodCo Ай бұрын
Good luck, Payton! Sending love from Reno ❤
@yeffersnow6128 Ай бұрын
So emotional this history
@jostafanboi Ай бұрын
Kid's gotta backstory. A near death experience is the new base for MMA
@maestrovonhuge9397 Ай бұрын
Enjoy watching hisfights and rise.
@ramblingatease Ай бұрын
God damn i need this man to continue to succeed
@ihsanEsen-r5e Ай бұрын
Adaxum is a game-changer. I'm predicting it will hit $10 shortly after launching!
@Xtro-1098 Ай бұрын
This kids got a great future in the UFC.....just stating hard FACTS
@SirPraiseSun Ай бұрын
u trying to convince ur self, saying facts doesnt make it so
@MetalCactus0765 Ай бұрын
@@SirPraiseSunshut up
@djtheory313 Ай бұрын
@@MetalCactus0765 Isn’t this the little bantamweight that was running in his mouth about Andrew Tate? He does realize there is weight classes for a reason and Andrew would send him to the shadow realm. He needs to slow his role and stay in his lane.
@DMV831 Ай бұрын
I remember watching that fight against Saiiman it was really good 💯🔥
@JayMorph423_reel Ай бұрын
He has that fighting style and flow like a mix between McGregor and o’Malley
@daithicarney3266 Ай бұрын
His awareness to knee or strike his opponent when they go for the take down is something I've been waiting for in a fighter.
@ZakiBTW Ай бұрын
@jgibson4578 Ай бұрын
Top 10 fighter in the bw division by the end of the year calling it rn
@djtheory313 Ай бұрын
@@jgibson4578 Isn’t this the little bantamweight that was running in his mouth about Andrew Tate? He does realize there is weight classes for a reason and Andrew would send him to the shadow realm. He needs to slow his role and stay in his lane.
@haffa0905 Ай бұрын
@@djtheory313 ur choking on it
@ZakiBTW Ай бұрын
@KylerIsRad Ай бұрын
This man has it all. Deontay level punching power, interesting personality, cute smile and a ripped rock hard body. My man is killing the the game
@jjgiles4639 Ай бұрын
holy glaze😭
@ahmadjauhar4562 Ай бұрын
Deontay lvl punching power is insane glazing 😭
@KylerIsRad Ай бұрын
@@ahmadjauhar4562 am I wrong though? He knocked out his last opponent with one punch
@alexhansen-os1qn Ай бұрын
@@KylerIsRadyea you are Deontay was knocking people out cold with boxing gloves by hitting them in the forehead
@alexhansen-os1qn Ай бұрын
@@KylerIsRadyou sound kinda zesty too
@maxxpremium Ай бұрын
Okay Payton with the acting debut 🔥
@someasiankid6323 Ай бұрын
so much power when he throws. he throws his 2 like conor
@cntrpce Ай бұрын
my new favorite fs!
@freestylefranc2653 Ай бұрын
just a matter of time before he is champ
@oqtik302 Ай бұрын
Good at skateboarding and fighting. Dope
That’s gotta be cold af!
@dylanhead8746 Ай бұрын
Cant wait for Sat!!
@BercemHande Ай бұрын
Trumnix setup makes 100x feel like a done deal.
@MuratOktay-b8n Ай бұрын
Holy smoke Trumnix is fire!!!
@sainttrai Ай бұрын
Its crazy how much better the videos he makes on his KZbin channel are compared to this watered down PBS documentary lol
@KidPersepolis Ай бұрын
5:47 Is that Uriah Faber's voice doing commentary?
@Mynamesvn Ай бұрын
@zombieapocolipse69 Ай бұрын
The guy reminds me of young Uriah Faber out of the cage, and of Izzy inside it
@Jason-lz8pt Ай бұрын
He's the Future of the UFC! Also, he has some dope videos on his channel.
@djtheory313 Ай бұрын
@@Jason-lz8pt Isn’t this the little bantamweight that was running in his mouth about Andrew Tate? He does realize there is weight classes for a reason and Andrew would send him to the shadow realm. He needs to slow his role and stay in his lane.
@AylinYaprak Ай бұрын
I've heard that the UFC will sign a partnership with the guys from Trumnix. That would be awesome.
@NesControl Ай бұрын
even his contender series fight had hype cause he was fighting tracy cortez younger brother and that cortez kid was his 2nd time fighting at DWCS. yet payton absolutely cooked him and the rest is history. easy money
@TitosLastBrainCell-8 Ай бұрын
Can't stand guys like Talbott, slap on a nose ring and act like you are above it all. Well deserved hype train derailing.
@crazybartur Ай бұрын
Beast 🔥
@rainwave2959 Ай бұрын
Future champ
@mspacegamma Ай бұрын
The dude looks promising in the octagon, but he still hasn't fought any competition in the Top 15 yet. Hopefully this upcoming fight is an actual test for him.
@nacimemessamda8543 Ай бұрын
C'est le Champion 🎉sa yest sa se voit 🎉
@gabrielplattes6253 Ай бұрын
Ice cold... ❄❄❄❄❄ I wish he was at 312...
@chrisallheartz3196 Ай бұрын
I learned about him recently through frank ocean
@jonathancollins9831 Ай бұрын
775 less go baby!!
@BrokenToothUFC Ай бұрын
Really UFC!? 40 fkin unskippable ads!? Really?! For a 9min video?! Wow…
@edvinas111 Ай бұрын
He's really really good at striking , but let's wait a bit longer will see how it goes
@BraydenStevenss Ай бұрын
bro carries an unreal aura about him , huge fan 💯
@Mushiem Ай бұрын
Reno on the map 💪🏾
@appleid3151 Ай бұрын
Bro fights once a year... he may be good but he aint going no where with that level of work
@newfie-dean5803 Ай бұрын
Once a year? This will be his 4th fight since November 2023 so that’s 4 fights in a little over a year.
@jjgiles4639 Ай бұрын
⁠@@newfie-dean5803 Yeah but he should’ve fought in December instead of waiting until January. He took no damage in his last fight.
@yamummy3831 Ай бұрын
@jjgiles4639 he’s been trying to fight but no one accepted until now
@intraterrestrial5035 Ай бұрын
​@jjgiles4639 shit happens you'll be ok
@quasarleon4645 Ай бұрын
PT is the RD !
@IAmJustin3000 Ай бұрын
I can't wait.
@bashtvz Ай бұрын
I see this kid and incubus starts to play😂 lets go🔥
@specialwire123 Ай бұрын
The most interesting fighter in the UFC to me. I hope he keeps delivering.
@kadendore Ай бұрын
Unrelated but KZbin is out of control with the ads. I got an add like every couple minutes on this video
@vuhmie Ай бұрын
The next big thing
@theavengers. Ай бұрын
Anime the best ❤
@cobracommander9138 Ай бұрын
He needs a better agent. He should have never been on the contender series. He should have gone straight into the UFC. He can definitely be the next big thing in the UFC.
@zombieapocolipse69 Ай бұрын
"My guy pretty like a girl, and he got fight stories to tell"
@kylechristie5145 Ай бұрын
Three different ad breaks in less than three minutes. Absolutely insane Edit: I am getting one ad break every minute
@SevenTwo5ive Ай бұрын
I met Payton yesterday in a bi sexual yoga class. He is so kind.
@paulguevara5257 Ай бұрын
I actcually became a fan just now, sucks that you chose a class with Umar Nurmagomedov as the FINAL BOSS FIGHT.. All the best brother
@arthurandrade8191 Ай бұрын
Conor really changed the game man, unfortunate how he is now….
@DamageToleranceClothing Ай бұрын
0:38 - The only way to discover who you really are.
@SefJo-kc3hx Ай бұрын
He just got smashed.
@gavins_epic_youtube_channel Ай бұрын
more like sat on but alright
@DaveSandine Ай бұрын
He looks like that Luigi Mangoine dude now
@whataworld2028 Ай бұрын
Esketiiiitt Payton!
@flores775 Ай бұрын
Let’s go put Reno on the map!!!
@uckobo Ай бұрын
my goat
@djtheory313 Ай бұрын
@@uckobo Isn’t this the little bantamweight that was running in his mouth about Andrew Tate? He does realize there is weight classes for a reason and Andrew would send him to the shadow realm. He needs to slow his role and stay in his lane.
@ChrisF-fx5du Ай бұрын
Gives me Evan Tanner vibes
@altamish3916 Ай бұрын
10 ads for a 10 minute video...
@mopomasa4427 Ай бұрын
you can and should use ad blockers
@altamish3916 Ай бұрын
@mopomasa4427 bit hard when watching on TV. Any tips?
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