0:00 Gustafsson vs Teixeira 25:05 Gaethje vs Johnson 37:02 Henderson vs Rua 50:58 Aldo vs Mendes 59:09 Magomedsharipov vs Bochniak 1:16:00 Pettis vs Lauzon 1:18:53 Diaz vs Penn
@Daaaw23Ай бұрын
Thanks bro 😂❤
@deceptionswrath3710Ай бұрын
Thank you. You rock! 👍
@Pnut_headАй бұрын
Check out arlovski vs Browne sometime
@walkwithlenin3798Ай бұрын
@AlexHernandez-gn6rdАй бұрын
Tysm !
@thugjitsuuuАй бұрын
UFC PLEASE! We need more of the Muted series PLEASE! They're arguably one of the best parts of the channel!
@MMAproAtGOLFАй бұрын
Yeah jiri glover without bisping please
@heartlessalfred3415Ай бұрын
Yes yes yes
@aleksshqipezАй бұрын
@ufcАй бұрын
Well... you're in luck. New episode dropping next week!!
@heartlessalfred3415Ай бұрын
@eliaspickering6470Ай бұрын
Johnson vs Gaethje is the quintessential fight for getting a new fan into the sport.
@skylergreathouse2319Ай бұрын
And then if they like that then you show Lawler McDonald 😂
@I_AM_BAYTOR15 сағат бұрын
The Lawler fight takes a few rounds to really pop off. Gaethje vs Johnson is action from the moment it starts til it's over.
@samart333Ай бұрын
God bless the zoomer who has taken over the UFC KZbin channel to give us some bangers
@luislol3995Ай бұрын
You notice it too huh. This will one dys be vintage footage brother. Let’s goooo
@toddstover5291Ай бұрын
Geathje will always hold a special place in my mma loving heart
@garys5175Ай бұрын
me too
@PurpleWolf478Ай бұрын
Aldo vs Mendes was my favorite! Awesome compilation. Thank you
@likbingchang1945Ай бұрын
23:02 that uppercut combo was beautiful
@PhilamosityАй бұрын
Gustafsson is a guy I always wished would have got the belt at least once
@ceeramos97Ай бұрын
He really should've🤦♂️ got robbed vs Jones
@oleg9192Ай бұрын
Лучше бы ему подарили велосипед. При таком сильном ударе, каким он обладает, он убегает от рубки как трусливая девочка, хорошо хоть двери закрывают, а то бы он к зрителям убегал, а потом возвращался. Короче дешёвая победа, обесцененная.
@warbombАй бұрын
I agree brother it makes me sad this should of been for an interim belt or something, robbed twice that’s a hard pill to swallow and wicked back from 2 wars at that the combinations he landed on glover were a thing of beauty at 12.18 stunning combination
@warbombАй бұрын
@@oleg9192it’s called resetting your position
@skylergreathouse2319Ай бұрын
Me too bro. So underrated
@lukascho6297Ай бұрын
Gaethje’s backflip fails are sooo funny. Love dis bratha
@kinomiraruАй бұрын
Glover's brilliant strategy of damaging his opponent's fists with his face somehow didn't work
@Well_roundedGamer4Ай бұрын
@BrettMason-i9tАй бұрын
Still became champ so….
@DevdogsАй бұрын
Your strategy of touching keys on a keyboard to make yourself feel better somehow didn’t work
@ChrisHops22Ай бұрын
UFC dropping banger after banger. Not gonna lie, these vids made me return to watching UFC after a break.
@joesandoval3741Ай бұрын
I was so hyped when Gaethje finally came to ufc.
@bearwrex9806Ай бұрын
I love when your opponent comes to check if you're alright. That's class.
@jashwatАй бұрын
59:14 The best one
@BigG627Ай бұрын
@Crash0utTaАй бұрын
Caught everyone off guard with that fight. I was stood up in my kitchen like it was a title fight! Incredible memories
@TATGILBАй бұрын
Bochniak got that dawg in him
@jugghead-197526 күн бұрын
You said a month full there! That kid was a str8 warrior
@shamusorthington4703Ай бұрын
the commentating in the gaethje johnson fight is so funny..."they will both tap out because of exhaustion" :D "
@smurfz202Ай бұрын
31:47 he may not no where he is but he is standing up 😂😂 crazy 😂
@tubadude07Ай бұрын
Need a playlist with all these Compilations to queue for later.
@EataBrickkАй бұрын
Add them to a playlist bro, you can make your own, that’s actually exactly what I did too😂
@ufcАй бұрын
there's one on our channel!
@shadowshiroblitzАй бұрын
Can we just take a moment and all just show some HUGEEEE love that the ufc hosts and posts these fights man nothing better than getting a notification from you guys much love and appreciation
@HowieRaps28 күн бұрын
Gaethje having Johnson stand back up is one of my favorite UFC moments of alltime 😂
@DxNGERDxVEАй бұрын
that triple under from Gusto was clean.
@handrias001Ай бұрын
Gustaffsson is quite good at running :D
@Mella341Ай бұрын
Zabit Magomedsharipov Vs Bochniak 🔥
@Michael-hv9fcАй бұрын
His flow state is striking then turning away and running
@Man_Ray78Ай бұрын
Why was Goddard pushing Teixeira to fight right away, when normally they get up to 5 mins for eye pokes? But this is good stuff!
@tonyhoffman5549Ай бұрын
Because Glover was looked at as only a stepping stone and not treated fairly, Gustafson was over rated and pushed by the UFC. More referee incompetence.
@garys5175Ай бұрын
The Gustafsson fight was a master class in how to get it done.
@jrowlandj27 күн бұрын
He lit Glover up like a Christmas tree.
@jaykirizz219Ай бұрын
@HowieRaps28 күн бұрын
You guys are doing a pretty good job of not over using the same stuff and I appreciate that! Id rather see a good fight from a lesser known fighter than the same fight from a more known one
@oneway6888Ай бұрын
“beckoning on the molar” I love it Lol 🤣❤️😎
@guto.castroАй бұрын
4:05 Why Glover didn`t get more time, as he clearly got eye poked and Goddard rushed him to fight?
@Slow_burnaАй бұрын
Im so happy you didnt include volk vs topuria
@Itisfinished.Ай бұрын
Gustafson was amazing, I loved how he wooped Jones in their first meeting,sad he was robbed like Reyes.
@aminuahmad6748Ай бұрын
Lol 😂 U are very delusional if U think that JON lost that fights especially the Gustaffson fight U guys are hoping to see JONES lose for a long time and he always comes out on top U have to stop the hate
@FLTG13Ай бұрын
3 takeaways… 1. Henderson vs Rua is the best fight in mma history 2. I miss Jimmy Smith 3. Zabit was 100% going to be champion at some point
Ай бұрын
Hendo had a devastating right hand.
@scotth4747Ай бұрын
Some of the best fights you will ever see.
@JR-bu7weАй бұрын
new ufc media guy be cookin
@HowieRaps28 күн бұрын
Gustaffson is one of my favorites. Immediate respect to his opponent.
@milanmilosevic612Ай бұрын
Nick Diaz was so good in his prime 👊
@UFCFan777Ай бұрын
Watching it during work 🍿
@coltencarey8198Ай бұрын
Watching during class is peak entertainment
@julianjay9640Ай бұрын
Justin gaethje is a legend man just look at all his fights before the max one and you will be a fan
@ThiccoloАй бұрын
New UFC guy on fire as usual.
@hitmanlowe3562Ай бұрын
lol at the lady screaming after hendo finished shogun
@mirohd88Ай бұрын
Justin Gaethje 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@warbombАй бұрын
Gus had some of the best hands and boxing in the light heavyweight division, that performance against teixeira was beautiful the combos he landed people say he runs it’s called resetting his position and then getting back to the middle of the cage. I love glover but he was just out classed in that fight , so happy he kept going and won the belt at 40 !
@ChessHistorianАй бұрын
Dude, I never knew Bochniak gave KN such a close fight. That Nurmagamedov v Bochniak fight was the best one here.
@sideshowb.a.b.s.8913Ай бұрын
It’s truly a shame Zabit retired. Imagine him vs Topuria, Volk, or Max.
@TWIZZY_RlCHАй бұрын
woulda got smoked
@DGrey2Ай бұрын
I know it looks bad visually running from your opponent to get back to the center of the octagon but more strikers need to utilize it like Jones and Gustfsson
@bbguy17Ай бұрын
Izzy tried and got dropped and subbed, and he isn’t the first person to get dropped that way. It’s very risky if you don’t have the right distance, even Stipe caught Jones a few times doing that and he shouldn’t have even been fighting
@chrisgarcia7091Ай бұрын
ik that shit is annoying
@Heydude4204Ай бұрын
@@bbguy17Right on the nail.
@tonyhoffman5549Ай бұрын
Come on , running from your opponent is fear, not resetting. Had there not been a cage Glover would of had to run a marathon to catch Gustafson.
@joshwyble6558Ай бұрын
Gaethje is a savage
@ChrismysterymeditationcreationАй бұрын
Dude, Justin is always amazing, extra style points by the truck load..
@Xtro-1098Ай бұрын
UfC greatest sport on planet earth like the comment if ur on board..
@MichaelGK-dy6gdАй бұрын
UFC is not a sport 🤦🏻♂️
@Xtro-1098Ай бұрын
@MichaelGK-dy6gd obviously ur new to all this so I'll cut u some slack....maybe UFC mma ain't ur thing ur probably more baseball golf sort of lad..let that sink in for a moment.....hope you learnt something valuable today 😀
@ctier101Ай бұрын
@Xtro-1098 MMA is a sport. The UFC is an MMA organisation, meaning that the UFC cannot be a sport.
@itsmdm6453Ай бұрын
@@Xtro-1098 So then MLB is his favorite sport?
@DGrey2Ай бұрын
He’s saying UFC is a company not a sport. MMA is the sport.
@joesandoval3741Ай бұрын
My god! That sound ofHendo’s H bomb. Legend
@GabrielFreitas30Ай бұрын
UFC admin in legendary mode!🎉
@hmoov5145Ай бұрын
As old as Teixeria is he was still able to hold his own agaisnt Gust. Beast.
@Alex-ej3byАй бұрын
Gaethje needs more love man. Dudes a warrior and a true athlete who develops.
@jorgeegrojjorgeАй бұрын
Nick Diaz is a legend!
@jrowlandj27 күн бұрын
People who weren’t around to see it don’t understand how crisp and accurate a boxer Gustafsson was. Glover was no easy task, and Gus made him look bad. Wrecked his face and put him out with a beautiful 4 piece. Not many guys did Texeira like that.
@passiveaggressivestarbucks9321Ай бұрын
That Ngannou KO was crazy😮😮😮
@Chris-qv9tfАй бұрын
Could’ve been named fights you’ve seen before but still a good 1 😈👍
@Living_Legend85Ай бұрын
Nick Diaz has gas for days!
@JoshuaJackson-xu7yzАй бұрын
aldos leg kicks were ruthless
@thadwatkins5829Ай бұрын
For sure, head kicks too! My man definitely grabbed the cage to avoid the slam tho. I never noticed how crucial that was before now. Still an insane knockout, prime Aldo was a beast!
@JoshuaJackson-xu7yzАй бұрын
@thadwatkins5829 I mean everyone grabs the cage it's just human instinct.
@GriffinDuyThespianАй бұрын
hendo hit Shogun in the back of the head like 4 times hard AF.
@masudkhoa3861Ай бұрын
I feel like Kylie Bochniak deserves more respect and recognition for his performance against Zabit. Did he get outclassed? Yes defiantly? Did he give up? Never.
@BlackSheep_216Ай бұрын
Gaethje is a beast!
@paulsampson852Күн бұрын
@kwjdhsnahahskАй бұрын
Aldo 👑
@CapoMusic12Ай бұрын
I miss magomedsharipov 😭
@HenriksenDolfАй бұрын
gaethje evolved so much since his debut!
@chadblechinger5746Ай бұрын
That Bachniak dude is insane. If he had just a few more tools, and he doesn't need many, he would be scary AF. For sure some leg kicks and some jujitsu and maybe some counseling... just saying
@monkeman4466Ай бұрын
Diaz Penn... wow what a fight
@singranguk20 күн бұрын
abraham lincoln vs bochniak what a fight
@jugghead-197526 күн бұрын
Mago Bochniac around 1:00:00 is one of the best lower card fights in UFC history! Mago just a robot and Boch... C'mon he's got more grit and heart than any 1 prizefighter anywhere! Str8 up warrior!
@ryustreetfighter8722Ай бұрын
Kyle Bochniak 💪👊
@CapoMusic12Ай бұрын
Got battered
@Naksu..Ай бұрын
Zabit is a beast
@KalebStephens-cg4bsАй бұрын
Dan Hardy and Michael Bisbing are my favorite comintators.
@jacobisrubbish723Ай бұрын
Aldo did the equal of shooting right as the timer goes in basketball
@Sharpee777Ай бұрын
Ufc bringing the 🔥
@markusruttgers2044Ай бұрын
I was very impressed by the Magomedsharipov fight. I would be Happy to see him again. Top Grabler because He is taller than the most, Like a punching Snake
@jayjaytv_4226Ай бұрын
Literally forgot about the Johnson Gaethje fight!
@gs2460Ай бұрын
4:44 Guss-Staff-sin
@markusruttgers2044Ай бұрын
He is a Runner
@TheDungeon10017 күн бұрын
Always hated the fact that Shogun got into the UFC so late into his career. The casual MMA fan, doesn't realize the monster that Shogun was in his younger days, winning not 1, but 2 grand prix. By the time he got to the big show (UFC), his body had already been through a lot of punishment.
@ScottyBoy84314 күн бұрын
Yeah, in Pride. They allowed the fighters to take steroids and even encouraged it. No surprise that without them he wasn't that good.
@ronskathАй бұрын
posting Aldo cheating is hilarious
@energyempiremusicАй бұрын
Michael Johnson is a beast. Was a lot of fighters toughest fight.
@drexos21Ай бұрын
Gustafson nickname Road Runner?😂
@tee-steel.01586 күн бұрын
Awesome 👏
@danheald935Ай бұрын
Shoutout 2 Danbury CT home of Glover Teixeira
@AnuragNimonkarАй бұрын
Gustafson is the Porier of LHW.
@KCGainzАй бұрын
Lol Super Fence grab by aldo
@GhiverАй бұрын
Everybody does it sometimes
@stick9758Ай бұрын
The only man to ever beat Jones!!!!
@omidbabadiiАй бұрын
فقد مسابقه 2 👌👌👌👏👏👏
@stretch130MFEАй бұрын
I still believe Forrest Griffin/Stephan Bonnar at TUF finale was the best fight I've ever seen.
@AnthonyLopez-xp6shАй бұрын
I cannot believe I never noticed how much Gustafsson ran away that much literally throws three jobs and then runs around the whole ring comes back for 3 more jabs and runs again
@eliaspickering6470Ай бұрын
Dude gets his cardio in for sure
@DGrey2Ай бұрын
Jabs bro jabs
@gamergamer7508Ай бұрын
Honestly the best way to avoid those giant wide hooks glover would throw at range, especially at 205 you can’t really risk trying to parry and getting caught around the ear
@nickmclellon2729Ай бұрын
He’s using his reach advantage to stay on the outside and out of glover’s range, I don’t blame him
@user-xs3ps1nq3eАй бұрын
Dan Hardy still the only commentator they ever had that does great play by play consistently. Unless they scoop up Sandhagan & Dariush. Great Analysts. Maybe Whittaker for the charm. Bas and DJ as fantasy commentators that would never happen.
@HunterSW11Ай бұрын
@wadeo4263Ай бұрын
At 34.57 both fighters were about to pass out from exhaustion
@mundodebrasileirosotemarte7526Ай бұрын
Lutas com Glover Teixeira independentes dos resultados, sempre um SHOW a parte!
@808waimanaloАй бұрын
Looking back, Chad was definitely on the sauce after this fight
@axe12yearsagoАй бұрын
@bearxbunny183511 күн бұрын
My God at one point in time Jose Aldo was such a scary human being!!! If Conor wasn't able to get inside his head so well I could picture Aldo destroying him