@@danmccolgan Not nice. I liked your comment a lot, @iemand2234.
@wisdomgaming11Ай бұрын
what is 312 card
@eganrecordz1744Ай бұрын
Not at all
@benoleary12Ай бұрын
Well it is the best moments lmaoo
@BlariXАй бұрын
''Kangaroo have good striking but nobody check his grappling''- Islam
@ChrisF-fx5duАй бұрын
He wasn't playing
@beerz63938 күн бұрын
honestly, that is a funny and clever answer
@sandrakiefler4649Сағат бұрын
Literally my favorite thing that man has ever said….and NO I’m not kidding either…it truly is and never fails to produce (what I assume to be) a big stupid cheesy grin on my face! 😅😉👌& I appreciate it my dude
@pankajayapaАй бұрын
*a wild Tom appears* lol
@kaynewatts8864Ай бұрын
It caught me off guard 😂
@pankajayapaАй бұрын
@@kaynewatts8864 same lol
@YannickMMAАй бұрын
Pankajayba uses "Hyperball"! Congratulations! Tom has been added to your Pokedex ;)
@KE-zl1qf29 күн бұрын
Just about to write this haha
@aarongillespie8346Ай бұрын
Mike Perry-“You thought you had a friend boy. AAAHHHHHHHHH!” 😂😂😂😂😂
@skilledharmishАй бұрын
Biblically accurate thumbnail 😂
@천종훈-v7sАй бұрын
1:04 "I missed the drama"
@no_nameyouknowАй бұрын
Just realized how big Tom is seeing him next to those other fighters.
@eduardotristan.4940Ай бұрын
My favorite moment.
@ufcАй бұрын
@Akira12974Ай бұрын
Its like older bro walking in on lil bros cat fight @no_nameyouknow
@emanuel81111Ай бұрын
that line was pure cinema 🙌
@jputz4320Ай бұрын
I can't stop thinking about you, Mr. UFC Editor.
@acegaming4631Ай бұрын
Merab wearing seans jacket 😅😅 . Oh my god😂😂😂
@Rambithagr8Ай бұрын
Lowkey prophetic ngl
@SacciuiguaiАй бұрын
Belal and Leon in the elevator makes the Captain America v Hydra so unrealistic
@gajebroteamАй бұрын
"a wild thanos appears"
@morgan3714Ай бұрын
This was the endgame version
@lukepier9736Ай бұрын
2 decision merchants not wanting to fight isn't really a surprise. They both fight in a way that is about avoiding fighting.
@jengofetlupa44Ай бұрын
A wild Tom Aspinall appears 😂😂😂
@isaacmata5037Ай бұрын
Hahahahahah Joe Rogan roasting the shit out of those guys for the ice 😂 “this is the goddamn three stooges!” 🤣🤣 I’m fucking crying
@reezy323Ай бұрын
4:38 I never noticed Bisping does a loud sigh before dropping that bomb 😂
@zadegetsfadedАй бұрын
Nothing better than Leon and his Coaches talking shit to Belal and he ain’t flinch and ended up embarrassing them in their home turf. Remember the name!
@yspraj24 күн бұрын
remember who’s name?
@1994mrmysterymanАй бұрын
Leon and his crew were acting mighty arrogant with Belal.
@ZjadaczАй бұрын
And got humbled, it was very satisfying.
@joondagoon6774Ай бұрын
It was a very winnable fight bc Belal doesn’t do any damage and Leon is accurate
@sayedameerАй бұрын
maybe he was looking for that 3 piece and soda again
@ovichggatАй бұрын
@@joondagoon6774 Belal droppped him on his head lol
@tombombadil-ej7lf19 күн бұрын
lets be fair, leon isnt the most exciting fighter always but he is an S tier fighter, he gave prime usman a fatality finish, and something people dont know about leon is that he has a 10 second finish or something crazy. his rise to the top of the division was a slow one and people remember it as being lackluster but he did it smart and won, all while not needing to show how dangerous he is. that being said, belal was ready to kill he wasnt taking a loss against leon this time, edwards team definitely didnt recognize the difference in belal or if they did they didnt want to admit it and covered it up with insults etc
@B4UCАй бұрын
Rockhold vs Bisping is basically the human version of two dogs barking at each other through the fence 😂
@iamtorregoАй бұрын
"You thought you had a friend, boi?!" Mike "the 2% African" Perry
@VinitBhat-u6wАй бұрын
1:05 😂 They really did Joe Rogan dirty
@ElusiventАй бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂 shit is hilarious
@artofstorytelling9406Ай бұрын
Umar numrahfjfkskfbn ladies and gentleman
@iankamau2985Ай бұрын
Shit was hilarious 😂😂
@daniellat581417 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂 wtf was that I was literally crying 😂😂😂
@daniellat581417 күн бұрын
Funny how usman looked at Rogan hahahah
@acegaming4631Ай бұрын
Kangaroo have good striking but nobody checks his grappling 😅😅😅
@nme_mmaАй бұрын
Classic Islam 😂
@acegaming4631Ай бұрын
@@nme_mma 😂😂😂
@talon368429 күн бұрын
Merab comfortably putting on Sean's jacket. The moment I 'd knew he'd become champ 😂 as he smiles and laughs while watching Aljo & Suga
@MakachevIsTheLWdivisionDaddyАй бұрын
Tom suddenly popped out of thin air had me rolling lmaoooo 😂
@nadirshax199Ай бұрын
@SimseemahАй бұрын
15:50 "I know kangaroo have good striking but nobody check the grappling"
@rdrgmishortАй бұрын
@Sir_Rebral21 күн бұрын
"A wild Tom appears" 😂
@joondagoon6774Ай бұрын
Robbie’s face was like Ik this mf didn’t
@kaffsharkkАй бұрын
Look at 35:20 seconds how the dude next to Pereira looks after Alex just fix'ed his toe😂😂😂
@talon368429 күн бұрын
Bisping killing Rockhold's vibe 😂
@FatherDinnyАй бұрын
Joe rogan complaining about the ice is hilarious 😂 First time i’ve ever seen that clip
@luisnieves1844Ай бұрын
That's a classic lol
@LeonardoMoreira-pz3quАй бұрын
''I wanted to apologize to the door man, but it was too late... it was gone...'' lmao
@adzm1987Ай бұрын
1:02 😂😂😂😂 big Tommy 🇬🇧
@Mixed-Media-ArtsАй бұрын
I'm glad this channel is growing. Great vid
@maurocasoto243820 күн бұрын
"i miss the drama" the most giant people in that room is it also the most calm 😂
@m1lutinАй бұрын
every Islam funny clip need to be there
@ishanKrishna-y7s27 күн бұрын
Black guy Jones, white guy gusmo 😂
@dogwaysco21 күн бұрын
0:13 This can turn into Captain America's lift fight scene
@ChrisF-fx5duАй бұрын
Maybe not today maybe not tomorrow Moreno is a legend
@oj1101Ай бұрын
Lookin back at it, that Belal moment was actually badass
@redrottenmanguyperson9954Ай бұрын
Dont let him bully u son
@hiraether6209Ай бұрын
Leon came off as an insecure douche. I don't even like Belal but I'm glad he beat Leon in his own country. Much deserved
@THEhighlightreel9927 күн бұрын
This should become a permanent series
@thomasthellamas9886Ай бұрын
I'm 5 clips in and I've seen 2 I've never seen before. Absolutely hilarious
@derfels9291Ай бұрын
This is great! We need more videos like this UFC!
@agentcodybanx8909Ай бұрын
The sound of Bisping falling was hilarious
@luisromero5639Ай бұрын
31:43 Merab pulling up Seans Jacket is crazy work😂
@arbaizac1125 күн бұрын
42:51 Nate with the “just f*ck my sh*t up” fade 🤣🤣
@dylanmcclain7216Ай бұрын
Rampage is really upset about the door 😂😂😂
@GameOnline16Ай бұрын
started MMA because of his father & ended his career because of his mother. Millions were offered to him to fight again...but...No, no more fights without his best friend (Father) & his promise to his Mother worth more than the whole money of the world😢 Wow, what a devoted son😭
@hiraether6209Ай бұрын
His father's dream for him was 30-0? You telling me he couldn't have won his next fight? The great Khabib? He didn't just retire because of his father, he also retired because he knew a loss was coming if he kept fighting. If you're the best in the world you're telling me you can't win one more fight to fulfill the destiny you were chasing since a child? Also has the most overrated bloated resume in history. 29-0 with only 5-6 elite wins, spent half his career fighting debutantes and losing record cans in shows run by his father (not a conflict of interest at all). It's almost like they manufactured 3/4's of his career to ensure their dream by rigging the process, then once he got the belt (off 24 hours notice Al Iaquinta,) he defended against 3 strikers and bounced using his father's death as the sole reason. I do think he's a good person but his career is the most padded of any "GOAT" that's ever been in the sport.
@user-xs3ps1nq3eАй бұрын
Ice Gate is EASILY Rogans best bit, better than all the stand up😂😂 every sentence was funny asf
@theadd_gamer1182Ай бұрын
When grasso beat valentina i almost cried for that girl! The greatest upset ive ever seen and ive watched for a long time. Just so wholesome.
@lionelfromupdablock9055Ай бұрын
Brandon Moreno winning the belt has be the best
@gaskittt28 күн бұрын
brought a tear to my eye fr
@adamsonvillegas2145Ай бұрын
I love how Nick's cornerman swipe the blood out of Robbie's nose when he approached them. What a nice guy.
@ProperChАй бұрын
That thumbnail is goated 😂
@dudebrodude4388Ай бұрын
Wasn't expecting the Petr Yan scream in here 😅 solid work
@SkoochАй бұрын
That thumbnail is absolutely diabolical man
@kaffsharkkАй бұрын
Brooo such a cool compilation. Thx Ufc!!!
@BlinkrBanana7 күн бұрын
I love that Belal clip so much especially after seeing Leon get dominated
@sobl1tz3dАй бұрын
That gum must’ve owed Belal some money the way he chewin on that shit 😭
@hehehelucky20 күн бұрын
The door won’t fight back - Bruce Lee
@Alpha-Phantom26 күн бұрын
Belal come is priceless hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@JR-bu7weАй бұрын
I love rob picking up for the kangaroos lmao.
@MuhammadAsimqw4hdАй бұрын
Khabib Retirement was one of the most saddest moment. never forget
@ethan.9390Ай бұрын
Lol ok Muhammad
@michaelferguson1Ай бұрын
12:57 They really named this part “Full Moon” 💀
@KABAR194326 күн бұрын
12:57 That's a bigass moon😂
@Rivas-qy9tsАй бұрын
The new ufc editor is goated
@khazamatt9570Ай бұрын
38:36 the guy submitting his opponent then getting upset because "he wanted to fight him more" LMAO LIKE ??
@hakjobtm7472Ай бұрын
i love that the most dangerous man in the world is casually standing behind the pipsqueak drama lmfao
@2Thr3Ай бұрын
W cutman for putting that water on max.made him look so much cooler
@twasgracethattaught29 күн бұрын
Chandler yelling "fuck it" as he does something ridiculous is basically his fight style
@CrazieAsianBoi28 күн бұрын
Merab owning Sean's jacket was so funny!
@Kurogane.13 күн бұрын
no one expected Volk breakdancing 🤣 they even compared him to the Australian olympian
@UFC_Fanatic15 күн бұрын
@Moneybee51Ай бұрын
“A wild Tom appears” lmao that shit took me out 😂😂
@AbuppАй бұрын
This ufc editor is best. Keep uploading champ!
@Thug_NoseАй бұрын
Admin thumbnail game on point 😂
@arbaizac1125 күн бұрын
21:01 I didn’t know that was real 🤣🤣🤣
@TreyRhodes-f9r6 күн бұрын
Merab stealing O’Malleys jacket never gets old
@copycatlyn25 күн бұрын
"what a disaster" lmao "someone needs to kick their ass" bro the bag tore lmao
@DrubieDoobieDooАй бұрын
4:12 this will never get old “Sound like the worst self help book you’ve ever read. Conceive, believe, achieve… S-T-F-U!!” 😂
@dangarbs5651Ай бұрын
Leon and Belal in the lift is even more iconic when you know the outcome.
@yariggАй бұрын
"Kangaroo have good striking but nobody check his breakdancing" 9:30
@बाळासाहेब_राजसाहेबАй бұрын
2:21 anything else? 😂😂
@cityofdreamswshankhan6265Ай бұрын
New UFC back crew cookin lol 😂 LOVE IT!
@theretrorushАй бұрын
me and my homies love Mr UFC editor
@J1283-s1kАй бұрын
I was literally just watching Belal 'Marmember the name' Muhammad and Leon Scott's 'The Office' style encounter and then the UFC upload this.
@ARSHMIDOS12 күн бұрын
Absolute cinema ✋🤚
@alixcollins177328 күн бұрын
Petr Yan’s scream is so funny 😂
@Mcfc2RichАй бұрын
Thanks for not bleeping the swearing
@Nano0kАй бұрын
Got multiple bleeps in the very first segment, likely all referring to an important bit of female mammalian anatomy. (In U.S.. Not sure if location-specific.)
@UAENO7Ай бұрын
How could you not put Moreno’s octagon interview in? Shit was so awesome it gave me goosebumps! & that’s coming from an American, “para, look at me now! Viva Mexico man, viva mexicooo” 🫡
@jchristie717Ай бұрын
Can't believe you guys showed derrick moon the crowd! Respecta! Lol
@johnreynolds5033Ай бұрын
Merab in the middle of Aljo and Sean wearing Sean's Michael Jackson jacket 😂👌
@Jorkpork-h3d25 күн бұрын
these videos are so much better than the slop this channel used to post
@CENSORED.by.YT.kahlybfriendАй бұрын
😂😂Alex even broke jiris hair with that headkick
@LgnOfSkanksBAYBAYАй бұрын
The MOST Aspinall of ways to appear. 😂 Get this man his fight vs 🦆
@Dubstepping23Ай бұрын
@13:21 When you realise you dont know what a 45-70 is.
@Nano0kАй бұрын
I swear I've watched a minute-wide sweep of that timestamp a dozen times, and I still don't know where it's referenced. But assuming you mean a .45-70 Gov't. round, you'd have to be a pretty hardcore U.S. military history or firearms enthusiast, so NBD. Doubt even 2% of Americans would know what that was.
@z_monty18 күн бұрын
@@Nano0k They're referencing Kevin Holland's recent crashout on the Jaxxon podcast where he lost his shit and tried to belittle Rampage for not knowing what a 45-70 is
@Nano0k17 күн бұрын
@@z_monty Ah, thanks for the intel! Appreciate it.
@christianhorcher603814 күн бұрын
Belal is the straight-edge kid who tries to look cool in front of the class clowns. Now he's king of the division and he rules the clowns. It's the most beautiful thing in the sport today.
@ElFumaPetasАй бұрын
Merab eating that gum like a fkn animal. Mouth wide open😂
@user-xs3ps1nq3eАй бұрын
LMAAAOOOO they really should’ve just handcuffed Leon and Belal to eachother in the build up and hit record😂
@Jorkpork-h3d25 күн бұрын
bro this ufc account admin is a hero ong dana u hire the right people
@percybouangaАй бұрын
42:09 Nick a magician 😂
@potatoturtle6177Ай бұрын
Admin cooking up again
@Kirito-bm7jjАй бұрын
Leon and is team 😂
@posistay1490Ай бұрын
New admin stay cooking 🔥🔥
@Niyyah-i1rАй бұрын
Khabib smashing up "other guy" & flying over the octagon was epic 🦅🦅🦅