cormiier avoided ngannou worse than jones did yet no one says a thing the clown retired because he was afraid of losing more he wouldn't ever beat blades aspinall game ngannou overrated dc go cherry pick 45 yr old lesnar who hasnt won in a decade so hilarious
@THEBOYBEANS4 ай бұрын
@@hellotron9118you sound upset over a couple of people who have no idea who you are hahahhahaha what’s up with you people not having a life 🤣🤡🤣🤡
@THEBOYBEANS4 ай бұрын
@@hellotron9118you are a Kamala rider and it’s easy to tell 🤣🤡
@molasba4 ай бұрын
@@hellotron9118 didn't he literally fight Derrick Lews who just beat Francis? Francis just got beaten by Stipe and Lews so DC should fight Francis and not Lews who just beat Francis?
@poppymack88124 ай бұрын
@@molasbaDerrick didn’t beat Francis he just won but he didn’t beat him he thew a few of his hardest shots didn’t do anything to Ngannou and Ngannou wasn’t mentally there from the stipe fight he can take Lewis power but Lewis couldn’t take his if they fought again and that fight was 6 years ago
@Tnex__4 ай бұрын
I only watched this video to see if y’all were gonna try and erase Francis
@CeBme4 ай бұрын
So did they 🤔
@StevenP7274 ай бұрын
Nobody cares 🤡
@olumayoor4 ай бұрын
Me too
@incontruth41164 ай бұрын
@@Tnex__ Francis erased himself.
@JayeL20084 ай бұрын
Dana can't deny Francis' greatness
@ibezzant4 ай бұрын
Randy Couture, the first man to win titles in two different weight classes. Won the heavyweight title in 1997 then moved down and won the light heavyweight title in 2003. It's a shame that the UFC never celebrates one of the greatest fighters in MMA history.
@gloryboy694 ай бұрын
@@dbett-5017They’re not on good terms
@DragonHeart6134 ай бұрын
@@dbett-5017Because Randy refused to sign over his likeness for use in the UFC video games & Dana got pissed over it.
@tonyj1114 ай бұрын
@@dbett-5017 because he beat no ones he wouldnt even be top 5 in todays hw
@edmahonejr.93644 ай бұрын
@@tonyj111 yeah he’s way too small. He wasn’t even a big light heavyweight compared to John Jones, And light heavyweights in the top 10 today they’re huge
@conservativefascist18974 ай бұрын
@@DragonHeart613 Even if that is true, Dana would be right then anyway...they all owe Dana EVERYTHING they have(fame,money,etc), cause before UFC only boxers could turn as rich celebrities,not other fighters
@bobthejober4 ай бұрын
Tom vs Francis is the real fight i want to see.
@BigSmeekDawg4 ай бұрын
Said nobody ever 😂
@DragonHeart6134 ай бұрын
No thanks.
@Woodsaras4 ай бұрын
@@BigSmeekDawgwhat in the actual fk? Both are top heavyweights right now
@ruslanshavkatov4664 ай бұрын
@@WoodsarasTom is leagues above Francis. Francis isn't some technical fighting genius. He has power and strength. Tom is good everywhere
@DravkatRakhmonessis4 ай бұрын
Tom is morw technical but francis is a stylistic nightmare for him. Tom leaves his chin high and francis has good enough defense to stop takedowns and chin him sooner or later. Tom definitely has the punches chance too tho, but I think francis wins 8 out of 10 times @@ruslanshavkatov466
@josephalsamour68084 ай бұрын
brock lesnar won the title of randy.. not mir. they skipped it
@MoeJaxon2 ай бұрын
@FOURTYFIVERS45. True true
@afmccloskey4 ай бұрын
How can you have an interim champ and a heavyweight champ both actively competing yet not fighting each other? There's no logic or benefit to continue having interim champ fights if they don't have meaning or value
@SpyroTek4 ай бұрын
The interim was simply to have an extra fight on that card he won it on.
@misterwachulochulo52624 ай бұрын
the interim belt is now a mickey mouse belt no different from the bmf belt
@MA4747Y4 ай бұрын
Aspinall doesn’t deserve to fight the goat
@mavenmaven45134 ай бұрын
@@MA4747YRage baite or stupid. Either way not worth answering people
@MA4747Y4 ай бұрын
@@mavenmaven4513 jones is the king of ufc 👑
@devil19944 ай бұрын
Nice. Even UFC acknowledges that there are 2 Champions in the present HW division. Jones is not undisputed and Tom is more of a champion because he fights anyone thats put infront of him. Tom is the future HW GOAT.
@cjdig864 ай бұрын
Tom can’t possibly become the heavyweight goat, he already has a couple of losses in just 10 fights… and the division is too lackluster these days for him to develop a resume like Stipe has. There aren’t enough good fighters. He will never be any type of goat.
@ruslanshavkatov4664 ай бұрын
@cjdig86 the division has never been stacked to begin with. Heavyweights are always the least skilled in combat sports
@wagner81294 ай бұрын
@@cjdig86 Stipe is the HW Goat and has losses... so?
@KhabibsJacuzzi4 ай бұрын
@@cjdig86Aspinall only has 1 real loss (early in his career by a sneaky heel hook in a fight he was winning), he's undefeated in the UFC, if you count a freak injury (on his already destroyed knee) and a disqualification for a 12-6 elbow in a fight he was winning, you have to count Jones' loss too. 100% finish rate (striking and grappling), 2 minutes average fight time (Francis has 7), wiped out the top 10 of his division under a round, only the 3 duckers are left : Jones, Gane and Stipe.
@Kawacatoose4 ай бұрын
@@KhabibsJacuzzi what was tom avg fight time before no us, ada. lf lts stiII higher than Francis that’s a reaIIy good stat.
@rorybray17904 ай бұрын
Francis & Tom are the real HW champions
@DragonHeart6134 ай бұрын
Anthony Joshua eradicated Ngannou & now he's in PFL which not a whole lotta people really care about. Aspinall is only an Interim Champion. Interim Champs are not real champions, just a glorified #1 Contender label.
@hmmmm88734 ай бұрын
@DragonHeart613 joshua fight has nothing to do with mma. Only true haters mention this
@sumrandomguy48604 ай бұрын
@@DragonHeart613 He's 'only' an interim champ cause jones won't fight him. He has, what, 6 first round finishes over 6 of the top ten of the HW division? Far more impressive than what jones has done in HW. Hard to argue jones is the real champ or best HW
@sumrandomguy48604 ай бұрын
@@DragonHeart613 And also, why do you count in a boxing loss? This is about MMA isn't it? Also if you're already going there, why not mention his fight against tyson fury? He literally almost beat the boxing HW champ coming just from MMA.
@pawandeepkaur58474 ай бұрын
@@DragonHeart613stop bringing boxing into mma fights. and you are an absolute casual that can't even notice how much of a stylistic nightmare is tom for jon.
@dylanbressler83094 ай бұрын
Brock Lesnar defeated Randy Couture UFC 91 for HW Championship. This video is incorrect.
@VishalSingh-tq3py3 ай бұрын
Same thing I also notice... Brock defeated Frank Mir in UFC 300 & take his revenge.... It's clear mistake in this video
@Hester-l6k3 ай бұрын
Bruh the announcer even says "AND STILL!"
@이성준-c5w3 ай бұрын
@@VishalSingh-tq3py 300?
@jeffdeming88113 ай бұрын
@@VishalSingh-tq3py Lesnar vs Mir was ufc 100.. not 300 lol
@jeffdeming88113 ай бұрын
It's not wrong it just doesn't have the fight where Brock won the title from Randy
@Al-Ngogo7414 ай бұрын
Francis the King of this game
@StevenP7274 ай бұрын
Cringe af
@EzEgamer313 ай бұрын
Lost to stipe and derick lewis lmao
@Louuu-i3 ай бұрын
@@EzEgamer31 tried boxing and got K out 😂
@kanchhatamang80093 ай бұрын
Tom aspinall
@jpearson2744 ай бұрын
Wow the UFC not only included Ngannou in a video but also acknowledged that Aspinall is the champ. This upload serves as video evidence as to why the Jones vs Miocic fight makes no sense. I wonder if the UFC see the irony
@Shrewdy14 ай бұрын
5 faces on the thumbnail but they don't even include the lineal champ 😂
@DragonHeart6134 ай бұрын
Aspinall is not the champ, only an Interim. Jones vs Stipe is for the actual title.
@Anteoni-g3l4 ай бұрын
WTF? Miocic 4 years combined champion RECORD! 2016-2018 And 2019-2021. Defeated all the legends JDS,NGANU WERDUM,OVEREEM,CORMIER.
@DravkatRakhmonessis4 ай бұрын
@@DragonHeart613Interim who is more active and isn't ducking contenders, hence why most people see him as the real champ.
@DragonHeart6134 ай бұрын
@DravkatRakhmonessis Jones ducking contenders??? You do know that Jones is defending THE title against Stipe this month right? Most people being the Aspinall bandwagon fans who are most likely the same folks who to this day still whine & cry & moan about Reyes.
@Anteoni-g3l4 ай бұрын
@boris_js4 ай бұрын
How can he be goat when he got knocked out by DC and Francis both lol
@Anteoni-g3l4 ай бұрын
@@boris_js so what? 2X defeated Cormier 1 by knockout and Ngannou 1-1 he won first fight easy
@morpheusmedia_au4 ай бұрын
@@Anteoni-g3l decision win over Francis means nothing if you get put to deep sleep in the second fight
@Anteoni-g3l4 ай бұрын
@morpheusmedia_au wahahahahahaha
@jmz21444 ай бұрын
@@morpheusmedia_auit wasn't just a decision, it was like a 50-44 total domination
@Callum_0094 ай бұрын
Tom is the real UFC Champion
@boris_js4 ай бұрын
No it is Francis. The real best HW
@krampus10944 ай бұрын
Francis is the lineal champ. The true hw champ
@ImissGoldie4 ай бұрын
@@boris_jsyeah he can keep his Tesco’s belt nobody’s interested in taking it from him
@SpyroTek4 ай бұрын
@@krampus1094No he isn't. The lineage broke long before Francis.
@matejkaidl31024 ай бұрын
@@krampus1094 he left the ufc so he´s not
@oakword32364 ай бұрын
The evolution of the skills of Francis. He was doninated in the first Stipe fight. Had zero wrestling. And the he out wrestle Stipe in their second fight easily and did the same with Gane.
@Frosted766673 ай бұрын
And he started mma quite late in lafe
@MrClaus.4 ай бұрын
Bro was poking his eyes like crazy
@unclebridge1594 ай бұрын
@oddalfhutlur67604 ай бұрын
@@unclebridge159 classic bandwagon hopper. he means jones 100%
@miggareto4 ай бұрын
I remember the first time I watched Jon Jones fight lol
@unclebridge1594 ай бұрын
Jon didn’t poke gane in the eyes once
@SimplexJaMaCoB3 ай бұрын
That voice crack at 3:40 by Buffer is hilarious 😂 amazing how much he has improved from the start to now
@DotaHelm3 ай бұрын
indeed, wtf xD
@manneredinvasion06954 ай бұрын
Tom Aspinall is the true heavyweight champion.
@ЕгорПахомов-ю2я4 ай бұрын
Нганну передает привет)
@DragonHeart6134 ай бұрын
Interim is not a real champion.
@MatthewMcRowan4 ай бұрын
Beating non champ in Cyril Gane doesn't make you champion either @@DragonHeart613
@christianalvaro43174 ай бұрын
@@DragonHeart613 at least he defended it
@DragonHeart6134 ай бұрын
@@christianalvaro4317 Interim = Paper Champion.
@somerandomguyontheinternet15534 ай бұрын
Tom Aspinall is the real champ.
@urbanwarior31344 ай бұрын
OK great now which ones are jewish!?......... Clearly stipe is as he's one step away from being sean Penn Jon is the goat which means the highest ranking freemason in the sport everything else falls into place Ps freemasonry is judaism rebranded to allow temples to be built against t gods rule Aspinal must be Christian or atheist
@boris_js4 ай бұрын
Nope it is francis who is real champ and best HW
@harrymail74 ай бұрын
@@urbanwarior3134Stipe is from Croatia how is he Jewish?
@JK47_4 ай бұрын
@@urbanwarior3134 Dawg wtf are you talking about 😂
@chrisk96134 ай бұрын
@@JK47_he’s got CTE
@jamesbond-di6uh4 ай бұрын
Miss you Cain Velasquez ❤❤❤
@arizonacolour87933 ай бұрын
So I guess Ricco Rodriguez was the first Mex-American Heavyweight champ...
We should all either just start quaking or chanting Tom’s name when Jones vs Miocic starts
@anomaly17114 ай бұрын
skipped to the end to see tommy
@scoobysnacks2094 ай бұрын
man i remember downloading ufc events in the mid to late 90s from sherdog . we had dial up internet it would take fkn hooooours to get one fight lol good time and its great to see how far the sport and fighters have come . it was so raw back then and couldnt believe what i was actually watching .the old skoolers will know what im talking about
@marvinwilliams79383 ай бұрын
It’s such a cheat code for entertainment and views, this is straight Roman colosseum shit
@njmdromanah1224 ай бұрын
To these day i still believed Kevin Randleman got robbed
@wagner81294 ай бұрын
no one cares.
@Tchafsir4 ай бұрын
Who else was curious to see if they were gonna include Ngannou?
@StevenP7274 ай бұрын
@random__joe4 ай бұрын
A lot of people
@VishalSingh-tq3py3 ай бұрын
Why? Is Dana & Ngannou aren't in good terms??
@BatmanSs-i3v4 ай бұрын
Glad they put carwin in this video🎉man was a monster
@aldinugraha73102 ай бұрын
Tom's speed at his weight just unbelievable
@kjy14624 ай бұрын
32:32 Nice counter by miocic who is now down and out gets me everytime LMAO
@Three-LeggedCat4 ай бұрын
It's time you guys push Aspinall content more often, he is the heavyweight division!
@asud25714 ай бұрын
They skipped Lesnar beating Couture @ UFC 91 in 2008
@shoter12345673 ай бұрын
The disrespect on Miocic is crazy , where is the first fight with Nganou ?
@thesagerinnegan58984 ай бұрын
@oneday08084 ай бұрын
Aspinal vs Ngannou, the dream fight
@eryk_ery_erykind4 ай бұрын
JJ : "Let me choose opponent" Kh4bib : "155 Kingkong no matter"
@MatthewMcRowan4 ай бұрын
Also khabib : "185 lbs on scale before cut"
@syrusbishwokarma89543 ай бұрын
The heavyweight era before Werdum became the champion was literally fireworks man, brought goosebumps every fight. UFC uploading this video really made me realize that the heavyweight division was the most exciting division in the UFC. I really hope Aspinall becomes the champ because I think he is the one that can bring that spark back in the heavyweight division
@Frosted766673 ай бұрын
Aspinall will be king of the most disappointing and least stacked heavyweight division
@whyuseahandle4 ай бұрын
Why is there a duck on the thumbnail?
@idbusiness38343 ай бұрын
Jon Jones 😂
@alpe62284 ай бұрын
Juiced out of his mind Coleman was such a tank.
@Sheppo423 ай бұрын
Junior Dos Santos vs Cain Velasquez was such a good rivalry in Heavyweight.
@shamusorthington47034 ай бұрын
3:34 😂😂😂😂 Bruce ❤️so good
@OldManLuffy4 ай бұрын
3:26 so weird hearing bruce say "AND NEWWWW" and not hear the crowd erupt. Crazy how small the ufc was back then
@delgrengo21354 ай бұрын
You can really see the difference in reactions from the booth between DC beating Stipe and vice versa. Literally "haha!" vs "oh nooo!" lmao. I understand them and DC are actual friends so it makes sense but still funny
@delgrengo21354 ай бұрын
Excluding Annik actually. I just went back to confirm and he was the same for both
@FCT703 ай бұрын
Its unbelievable how far this company has come over the years.
@opinionsmatter97714 ай бұрын
Kevin Randelman had a brilliant idea of wrapping the belt on the winner after he lost it to Randy Couture true legend and pioneer of UFC.
@smallxoxoxo6744 ай бұрын
Francis Ngannou was never my friend
@Sogriide-2374 ай бұрын
Francis Ngannou heavyweight pour le Cameroun 🇨🇲
@SamaelVR4 ай бұрын
Had no idea Bas was a UFC champ at some point, wow.
@StevenP7274 ай бұрын
R.I.P to those legends in this video that aren't with us anymore 🙏
@OldManLuffy4 ай бұрын
3:39 damn bruce wtf happened 😂😂😂😂
@SimplexJaMaCoB3 ай бұрын
11:35 *camera switches to SHAQ* Rogan: “What is that?” Goldberg: “Shaquille O’Neal” Rogan: “Can we see that again?!”
@jaydechose80464 ай бұрын
People never talks about how badly DC poked Stipe few seconds before knocking him out
@Sleepnosis3 ай бұрын
That Cane/ Lesner fight should be in the hall of fame. One of my most favourite fights.
@manjushettar58664 ай бұрын
"Nice counter right from Miocic, who is now down and out!"
@edwardcabras4 ай бұрын
The Brock Lesnar fight is him beating Mir, but the caption says defeats Couture.
@rabbychan4 ай бұрын
Francis Ngannou deserves more respect.
@irm6134 ай бұрын
Francis is pure power not much skill, he's not an exciting champion.
@raqqmuffin71274 ай бұрын
@DravkatRakhmonessis4 ай бұрын
@@irm613Pure power not skill? His last 3 mma fights say otherwise 😂
@bruhh-m3k4 ай бұрын
Yes he will get the respect, in pfl, ufc wasn't for him 🤣🤣🤣
@Uga_Stew3 ай бұрын
Bruce buffer. The one constant in all of this. Absolute LEGEND
@kieranl52494 ай бұрын
It's important to remember that the true lineal MMA heavyweight goat is FEDOR. Held the lineal title for 7 years, more than anyone. And beat more UFC champions and ex-champions than any other heavyweight. True GOAT
@UTSsSTU3 ай бұрын
Федя уработал 6 чемпионов тяжелого веса ЮФС - кто бы что не говорил, но это не случайность)))
@현호문-b6f4 ай бұрын
Finally TOM is in the video
@cjdig864 ай бұрын
Not sure why, he’s not a real champion. Interim is basically #1 contender.
@pawandeepkaur58474 ай бұрын
@@cjdig86cry more and champ needs to fight no 1 contendor 🤡
@pawandeepkaur58474 ай бұрын
@@cjdig86so why not champ fights the no 1 contender 😅
@OreoZCookie20204 ай бұрын
So happy they Acknowledged Francis. I thought FORSURE they would try and erase what he did.
@Deehounds4 ай бұрын
Cain Velasquez 🇲🇽
@Fernando-zpt3 ай бұрын
Ricco Rodriguez
@octagonfreak57334 ай бұрын
Jones vs Miocic, the only ones defeating Cormier.
@katylee53004 ай бұрын
The real HW champion Tom aspinall
@건강이최고야-z4f4 ай бұрын
O.K👍👍👍👍👍As the worst offender, Jon would have been permanently banned from any other sport. What a shameless coward jon
Since when is being an Interim considered GOAT status? GTFO.
@cjdig864 ай бұрын
Dude has 2 losses in 10 fights and hasn’t won a belt 😂
@AHN0014 ай бұрын
Too early to say that although I do think he ends up as a top 5 all time heavyweight
@pawandeepkaur58474 ай бұрын
@@cjdig86only one real loss(10 yrs back)another and DQ like your boy jones and a freak injury. Crazy how you will jump to defend jones if someone counts his DQ loss
@gameshelper10003 ай бұрын
Everybody is talking about Francis and Jon Jones not wanting to fight Tom Aspinall but I'm just seeing how badass the old school fighters were with no gloves on in the first UFC event
@Imhim2474 ай бұрын
Thank you, UFC, for finally showcasing Francis Ngannou
@maxamudcabdullahi184 ай бұрын
Cain Velasquez 🐐
@brianbutterworth61074 ай бұрын
Well, based on the video, it looks like Aspinall vs Jones is what needs to happen next.
@dropdead41644 ай бұрын
I love herd dean sneakers when refereeing Brock vs Frank mir
@Chocolatesauce._4 ай бұрын
31:01 Stipe better hit that emote after he flatlines Jones🙏
@Cashewsrgood3 ай бұрын
That had to be an all time great voice crack when that dude screamed randy couture 😂
@BoaeCH3 ай бұрын
Stipe screaming "I'm a world champ !" ❤
@thefartist4 ай бұрын
Francis is GOATED
@wujaszekziom62664 ай бұрын
Nice to see aspinall as the cuerrent undisputed belt
@DragonHeart6134 ай бұрын
He's Interim, not Undisputed. The actual Undisputed Champ is fighting Stipe this month.
@wujaszekziom62664 ай бұрын
@DragonHeart613 you mean jon"im ducking everyone"jones
@kirkhunter46024 ай бұрын
@@wujaszekziom6266no he means Jon “the greatest fighter in ufc history” jones
@DragonHeart6134 ай бұрын
@wujaszekziom6266 Ducking??? WTF are you even talking about??? Jones is defending the HW Championship against Stipe this month. With the real champ back, Dana should just erase that fake title from Aspinall just as he did with covington's own interim title.
@cjdig864 ай бұрын
Tom has 2 losses in 10 fights, and has yet to win a belt. Interim is basically #1 contender. Tom is highly overrated by the UK fans.
@r8m8s84 ай бұрын
I thought they’d try to erase Francis again ha
@T-P.4 ай бұрын
19:32 they put Couture instead of Mir
@TheRussoArts4 ай бұрын
They should’ve actually showed the Couture fight too that’s who Brock won belt from
@octagonfreak57334 ай бұрын
"It´s fucking broken!!!" and it fucking was!!!
@MURMENLIFE3 ай бұрын
25:47: I started watching UFC from here.
@vishalchoudhary85214 ай бұрын
Don't know why you people not put ca8n Velasquez in the picture and I think he is a greatest heavyweight of all time
@MitchelKent4 ай бұрын
Francis is the heavyweight goat
@Anteoni-g3l4 ай бұрын
@DragonHeart6134 ай бұрын
Anthony Joshua says hi.
@MuhGlassRibs4 ай бұрын
@@DragonHeart613different sport, casual
@DragonHeart6134 ай бұрын
@GoodStuff1992 I know it's different but the fact that Joshua very easily destroyed Ngannou, he got exposed & it hurt his rep & aura.
@bruhh-m3k4 ай бұрын
Lmao, the most casual fan ever, Francis has only one title defence in which gane turned him into the wrestler 🤣🤣🤣 Then he realised he is not made for ufc and ran straight to pfl 🤣🤣🤣
@محمدالبلوشي-ل2ن4 ай бұрын
Cain Velasquez 😤😤
@HermanLutete-d1b3 ай бұрын
It’s crazy that Bruce Buffer has been there since the beginning
@Fernando-zpt3 ай бұрын
26:28 this was the biggest dive in the history of the UFC
@ROCKONplaceboforever4 ай бұрын
Awesome let's go 🔥🙌🤜🤛 really enjoyed this
@sensationaldenny3 ай бұрын
Its amazing how many HW champs lost the belt and then won it back. Don't see much of that in the other divisions
@johnpaxton23144 ай бұрын
@Jamie---4 ай бұрын
09:09 the Tim Sylvia KO, it's a good job he finished the guy with the first punch because tge 3-4 punches he threw thereafter all hit canvas 😂
@itemtest14 ай бұрын
Jon Jones vs retired old man Stipe Miocic. It will be a boring one sided victory 🤔🤔
@gar9154 ай бұрын
Herb is always out of position to stop the fight
@Kyle-m8b7l4 ай бұрын
Seeing Rico Rodriguez with ads painted on his back was wild lol
@sshy1534 ай бұрын
19:31 Brock Lesnar has defeated Frank Mir, not Randy Couture
@BigBadWolf..............4 ай бұрын
What people don't understand about heavyweight fights is that the power you can output is not equal to the amount you can take. Lightweight fighters can put out a certain amount of damage and receive a fair amount in return. Heavyweight fighters can give out a lot of damage and only receive a moderate amount in return. Derek Lewis could knock out a horse with one punch. That doesn't mean he could take a horse kick to the face. So heavyweights take so much damage that it's impressive if they last more than four or five title fights. Five rounds of getting punched in the face by somebody who could knock out a horse is the real test.
@davemilano93093 ай бұрын
The first frame of the video looks like an adult movie 😂
@P908304 ай бұрын
No cain in the thumbnail is crazy
@thereaper76824 ай бұрын
Francis will never be erased from ufc
@TheAntManChannel4 ай бұрын
But he'll always be remembered for running from Jones 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@PDXCobra4 ай бұрын
Francis winning a title in the apex is crazy lol… imagine that fight with a crowd
@emperordavid20444 ай бұрын
The first thing I thought about when I saw the title was are they going to include Francis 😂
@iMoose73 ай бұрын
Favor the old title design than the new one, badass looks.
@jamesaird84784 ай бұрын
Crazy how clearly juiced up these guys were back in the day
@A_man_of_culture_254 ай бұрын
Francis Ngannou daddy of Jon Jones is in the video
@MuhGlassRibs4 ай бұрын
Jones looked very different on this video fighting francis
@Know3ody4 ай бұрын
Francis ran away. Never forget this.
@Know3ody4 ай бұрын
@Kawacatoose why you lie? He asked for wilder money and he's on it ☠️ not that wilder ever got paid without fury anyway.
@kingjams4 ай бұрын
The HW belt has been passed around a lot! Wow so many great moments.