Reinier de Ridder vs Bo Nickal 😳 Who y'all got? ⬇️

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@James-712 Күн бұрын
De Ridder by sub, or Bo Nickal by robbery decision
@UncleRichieGaming Күн бұрын
@ПользовательГугл-р9ч Күн бұрын
@Tolbertwa Күн бұрын
😂😂😂 y’all mma fans are just fuckin hilarious!
@FlyhighO_O3 Күн бұрын
why robbery decision?
@Ajang-b4q Күн бұрын
Why didn't they rob ank if they can control the judges ?
@alexmma12 Күн бұрын
my GOAT Reindeer has this
@hondacivic-uo8ne 12 сағат бұрын
My goat Reindeer de Riddler 😩
@FahadHayee Күн бұрын
RDR is a very scary grappler
@pietpiraat1177 Күн бұрын
RDR make Holland proud 🎉 we want the ufc back in holland!!
@brandonamezquita4501 Күн бұрын
For a second I thought you meant Kevin Holland 😂.
@jonathanking8429 Күн бұрын
@@brandonamezquita4501me too lol
@Pvstt 23 сағат бұрын
Why us dutchies liked the Ridder vs " Holland " fight lol ​@brandonamezquita4501
@brandonamezquita4501 23 сағат бұрын
@jonathanking8429 Lol
@jessec.6876 21 сағат бұрын
@@brandonamezquita4501Reiner De Ridder is making his son proud 😂😂😂
@clintwiesen4761 Күн бұрын
This is his first real test
@Mixed-Media-Arts Күн бұрын
Paul Craig beat Ank. Last guy to do so. If that isn't a test, what is?
@TrulyYoursFrankWhite90 Күн бұрын
​@@Mixed-Media-Artshow many fights as Paul Craig lost
@xRanDoMzXD Күн бұрын
Paul Craig was getting his ass beat and caught a lucky sub same like how he beat jamhal hill. You never even watched the Ank fight just looked at his fight record
@corbo9838 Күн бұрын
@@Mixed-Media-Artsnot a test at all Ank gave up
@jangosavdjdubsak1079 Күн бұрын
Paul Craig is a Catcher😂
@Me-Dwight Күн бұрын
Such a good matchup, a test for both of them
@brandonamezquita4501 Күн бұрын
Classic BJJ vs wrestling match.
@ashwinshriyan9438 Күн бұрын
The hype train finally ends. RDR for the win!
@Mengsu6969 Күн бұрын
Bo nickal have zero chance he will be humled after this fight. Dude was calling out Khamzat hahaha
@dudex4512 23 сағат бұрын
@jwalker627 18 сағат бұрын
Yeah, I really don’t see Bo cracking the top 8.
@Mengsu6969 5 сағат бұрын
@@jwalker627 i believe he needs to get some losses so that he will be humble and he will stop being delusional. With more experiences i do think he can be inside top 10 because his base is wrestling which is very helpful in MMA. most of the champions in the UFC are all wrestlers and grapplers.
@bricewaggle7885 Күн бұрын
All the hate on Bo is crazy 😂
@SonnyBaci 15 сағат бұрын
Because he has a big mouth
@ПользовательГугл-р9ч Күн бұрын
Let's go De Ridder, good luck to Bo.
@friedboot42 Күн бұрын
reminder that Bo lasted 20+ minutes grappling with Gordon Ryan, just in case you think RDR has that much of a grappling edge.
@daveyh6458 10 сағат бұрын
That is a very good point, only problem with that is there was no striking allowed, a few elbows here and there will change your ability to grapple to full potential 🤷‍♂️
@Andrew-un8tx 8 сағат бұрын
Gordon wasn't punching and elbowing him in the face.
@PolecanePC Күн бұрын
Hopefully De Ridder will shine and surprise Nickal in stand up.
@TheAntManChannel Күн бұрын
Bo by 15 minute ragdoll
@nugget7683 Күн бұрын
getting ragdolled for 15 minutes*
@Gregoman89 Күн бұрын
@@nugget7683I don’t see how he gets taken down at all
@brandonamezquita4501 Күн бұрын
RDR is not someone you want to takedown.
@PjXu98 Күн бұрын
Bo gets choked out in rd 2
@PoatanPoo 23 сағат бұрын
Guess you haven't been paying attention to RDR
@FirmlyGrasp_IT Күн бұрын
@PoatanPoo 23 сағат бұрын
But we care about Reniner De Diddler
@dudex4512 23 сағат бұрын
You mean you
@Andrew-un8tx 8 сағат бұрын
Oh, come on now. Watching him get fraud checked and ran out of the UFC like the hype train that he is will be fun.
@Mal.C Күн бұрын
RDR by serious painful humbling! Bo needs it! And Brenda Shwab is gonna be crying foul for days after!!! lol😂😂😂 Bo….”I want Khamzat” sit tf down rookie! 😂
@duncanbrookes8184 Күн бұрын
They look like there related. Bo first time fighting someone who can actually fight.
@senpai_oso Күн бұрын
Dana done sent Bo to the fucking wolves 😭🙏
@Dhaya_04 Күн бұрын
I thought nickal going to fight paulo costa but this is unexpected!
@jakedalton6236 Күн бұрын
“If Bo wins it’s a robbery” People already finding ways to cope😂😂😂
@ppmr-i5j Күн бұрын
Didn't expect UFC giving Bo experienced dangerous grappler with stand up game, that's being said....Bo by robbery of the century decision
@Wowplayer43 Күн бұрын
Bo seems uncomfortable in the cage
@zade8586 Күн бұрын
Almost like he’s only been doing it for a few years when most in the UFC have been doing it the better part of their entire lives.
@KhanSaab-x2k 22 сағат бұрын
Chama became a mama
@Deportedhandyman 19 сағат бұрын
RDR got a tongue twister of a name 😂
@LancashireLad1975 Күн бұрын
Nickel is tough & superb wrestling & heavy handed but i dont think hes ready for the big dogs. De Ridder might beat him by Submission though.
@osuk1 Күн бұрын
Never underestimate an elite wrestler with decent striking.😊
@tjgetem3783 Күн бұрын
This guy is a whole jockstrap . De ridder is not winning
@ricardardiaca162 6 сағат бұрын
Underrated prospect vs Overrated prospect
@MMAEventsVlog Күн бұрын
RDR let's gooooo 💪🏻
@HimanshuShukla-f4v Күн бұрын
Bo nickel by robbery
@adriftloyer2042 23 сағат бұрын
No Nickal
@codyconnell6510 18 сағат бұрын
This is make or break for Bo with the fans, win or lose it’s gotta be exciting.
@ghostrunner2138 4 сағат бұрын
hyped for this fight as a nickal fan. if he wins this he's legit
@Gaiaslover 7 сағат бұрын
RDR is maybe the logical choice but I secretley crave we get an elite wrestler on a win streak back in the UFC so we can get some wicked takedowns
@1Up_Gang Күн бұрын
Holy shit much respect to Bo for taking this fight. Idgaf what critics say when you got something to prove to yourself
@d.johnson3164 Күн бұрын
Reinier cmon man.... humble this dude
@Chris75717 Күн бұрын
Bo is pretty humble tbh people just hate on him
@d.johnson3164 Күн бұрын
@Chris75717 hes not...hes full of himself imo.... he will lose eventually once they stop cherry picking opponents for him... hell paul craig got close to beating him... so...
@michealmotor Күн бұрын
@@Chris75717he’s not humble
@DropBombsInOctagons Күн бұрын
Bo nickal thinsks hes world class 😂
@ImissGoldie 20 сағат бұрын
Bo by decision
@Robkinggozer 20 сағат бұрын
I would have prefered a top 8-10 ranked opponent for De Ridder but Nickal is a big name and it's an interesting matchup. Kind of a make or break for both of them, I like it.
@lancerichards1419 Күн бұрын
@user-vb1bl6qw8b 20 сағат бұрын
Who cares brother? Who cares? Today,, smash.
@aliou2932 Күн бұрын
@The_Mysterious_Entity 14 сағат бұрын
RDR by cheeky smile submission 😂
@Adityasaurus 10 сағат бұрын
Love this style of announcing fights, it seems that UFC's KZbin team got rid of that Brazilian kid after Poatan's lost
@MrHout. Күн бұрын
Will be a few failed takedowns followed by a bum strike fest , but im looking forward to this either way may the best man win
@うるさら-o3f Күн бұрын
Nickal body looks have never been steroid
@tomlink-m5h Күн бұрын
Bo is gonna use lack of mma fight for the excuses.
@randycantwell1275 16 сағат бұрын
Let's gooo. UFC finally comes to Des Moines and I can't afford a ticket right now. Smh😢. Let's goo Lil Heathen
@Andrew-un8tx 8 сағат бұрын
If RDR doesn't finish the UFC will gift the decision to Nickal.
@hector7129 13 сағат бұрын
Bo Nickal is getting submitted by Reiner De Diddier
@reza3624 Күн бұрын
BOT Nick gon go esleep
@SonnyBaci 15 сағат бұрын
Ridder, he will show Nickal how grappling works
@ammarali6574 Күн бұрын
RDR by submission or bo by 15 mins of intence creepy un nerving relentless man hug😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@natedogg101 2 сағат бұрын
I mean Bo nickal has fought a scary grappler in Paul Craig but I’m going with rdr I won’t be mad if bo wins because sooner or later I would love to see him and khamzat
@miloo318 2 сағат бұрын
Too Early for this level of competition. RDR is a big step up from Bo’s last opponent. I feel like RDRs skill set is definitely more advanced than Bo’s. My initial thought Decision loss for Bo 😢
@CaraDePito Күн бұрын
Actually good match up for both. I wanna see how their futures will play out in the UFC.
@connorblack2035 Күн бұрын
Great matchup
@lamthanh1592 11 сағат бұрын
Bo đã trở lại tại sự kiện UFC💥👏
@Tokyo_Jones Күн бұрын
Deridder is gonna smoke Bo
@GigaChadDuPlessis Күн бұрын
De ridder is a can bro
@crs092 Күн бұрын
You won’t put money on it
@spadeace613 Күн бұрын
@@GigaChadDuPlessisyeah he’s a trash weightbully literally weighed 20 pounds more than holland
@sneakyninja5802 Күн бұрын
Are you serious? Bo is going to do whatever he wants to him.
@Tokyo_Jones 19 сағат бұрын
@ just please keep that same energy after the fight, and be ready to respond. Dont go running off of this thread after.
@stevensoucy6503 23 сағат бұрын
Rdr is going to put Bobo to sleep in the 1st round first minute
@1CrowSorrow_2CrowsJoy 17 сағат бұрын
RDR hands Bo his 1st pro loss, and easily I believe. Remember he was a 2 division champ (first in ONE history) and he dominated and defended both divisions. Plus the rules in ONE you can one Ave kick in the head on the ground, so I feel he had a tougher road.
@motocrossriders2002 Күн бұрын
Bo wins by outwrestling DeRidder...
@brandonamezquita4501 Күн бұрын
He needs to be careful with RDR on the ground.
@andthe4010 Күн бұрын
If Bo wins I will literally never pay attention to another one of his matchups again, because it will be obvious that it's rigged. There is literally no fucking way Bo can beat this guy legitimately, none. Zero.
@budzhouse4208 Күн бұрын
Bo “ I’m a ppv fighter cus I’m a ppv star “ nickel
@habowtat Күн бұрын
Ssuuuchhh a sick fight. Fuck yea. If Bo can finish RDR, I'd be fucking flabbergasted
@Zach-ge3kj 10 сағат бұрын
Ridder is a awesome wrestler....this is going to be a tough for no nickal
@YoYoLogo Күн бұрын
let’s gooooo bo is gonna lose
@neverlandgrounds1225 Күн бұрын
Damn I guess Dana is punishing Bo after his lackluster fight against Craig.
@CalebCox-s4e 18 сағат бұрын
Hopefully RDR is a big underdog.
@CartoonSlug Күн бұрын
I am still amazed that Bo Nickal was on the MAIN CARD of UFC 300. Hopefully RDR absolutely annihilates him from the sport.
@elsuperguapo971 15 сағат бұрын
Mexico with Bo 💪🏼
@hondacivic-uo8ne Күн бұрын
Reiner here we go 🇳🇱🇳🇱💪
@RobbinKasprzak Күн бұрын
@DarrillScoonover Күн бұрын
5 rounds RDR submits him but 3 rounds Bo wins a decision and back peddles the entire contest
@ClarksPM Күн бұрын
10cents for the nickel!!!!
@jexerxd3325 Күн бұрын
RDR easy win.
@111MyTube1111 Күн бұрын
About time. Geesh. Forgot he was in UFC
@christopherbentley6647 Күн бұрын
Bo too strong fast and smooth. Expect reindeer to take some heavy shots in tthe clinch
@clxud1 Күн бұрын
Holy Shii...gonna be heck of a fight hope Double C get's the W
@sayalaparsangat 5 сағат бұрын
Dude says he can finisn khamzat, now let see if he can finish rdr first 😂
Күн бұрын
It is indeed a ship, an ENGINE
@RealSportsBetPicks Күн бұрын
Pretty sure Bo will get it done
@hinduinthebindu Күн бұрын
I like the match up 😎
@Behappy_smile Күн бұрын
De reider is champ.he will
@BryceHouse Күн бұрын
People blinded by their hate for Bo and deluding themselves. RDR is very similar to Paul Craig. Slightly better wrestling but possibly even worse striking. He’s not going to be able to take Bo down and he’s not going to be able to strike with Bo on the feet
@wallyspicks 14 сағат бұрын
I watched Bo wrestle at the big ten championships. His last 2 fights he was a huge favorite and barely won them. De ridder is a proven big grappling dog too. I think Bo gets upset.
@Khader-l3v Күн бұрын
Wheres Dana White screams
@ettu9358 Күн бұрын
bo is either gonna catch him with something weird or its gonna be just a boring decision
@raimondasraimondas1333 Күн бұрын
Winner of this fight must fight anthony hernandez
@gabrielverduzco 23 сағат бұрын
I like bo, but I think ufc put too much hype on him, he's good but I feel like he doesn't match the hype built for him. I got ridder
@WideJaxamilious Күн бұрын
RDR beats Bot Nickal, Takes on Brendan Allen and the winner of that fight is the man to beat DDP
@jessesmith568 Күн бұрын
Brandon Allan ain’t anywhere near the top lol he just lost . Khamzat is next for sure rdr will have to win a few before that
@arandomperson-i3m Күн бұрын
Makes sense , at least to me I wish I can see better striking and cardio from rdr he looked terrible against gm3
@andrewpadilla1756 23 сағат бұрын
Bo wud be wise to keep this standing cuz RDR ground game scary. Bo's superior wrestling will give him advantage to keep it standing. I got Bo by boring decision
@tudo.passa. 19 сағат бұрын
BO-RING NICKAL by decision
@stllhng793 23 сағат бұрын
De ridder ez win. He’s been at the mma championship level… bo cannot compete with the top of the top.
@FLTG13 Күн бұрын
Holy shit this is an amazing fight
@serrobertstrong1377 Күн бұрын
Bo needs to put on a wrestling masterclass to prove a point. He keeps saying his wrestling is the most elite in the UFC, this is his chance to prove it. If he delivers another striking snoozefest it proves he ain't as confident on the ground as he claims to be
@brandonamezquita4501 Күн бұрын
RDR has a dangerous BJJ game.
@Tombul-re4lo Күн бұрын
Bo Nickal would get killed
@Epicgamessigma Күн бұрын
Rdr ufc champ and ONE champ all day
@JSamad 23 сағат бұрын
RDR by murder
@Aadityadt5 Күн бұрын
BGM is lit must I say🎧🔥
@Teyoppo-t5o 20 сағат бұрын
Bonikal nervous 😮
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