UFC 313 Embedded: Vlog Series - Episode 5

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The athletes of UFC 313 make their Media Day rounds; Justin Gaethje rolls with Kamaru Usman; Ignacio Bahamondes trains with welterweight champ Belal Muhammad and Rey Mysterio; Champ Alex Pereira plays Street Fighter II with his team; The stars of UFC 313 gather for the Pre-Fight Press Conference. UFC 313 Embedded Presented by Thorne www.thorne.com...
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#UFC #ufc313 #embedded

Пікірлер: 946
@ufc Күн бұрын
@serpentinefire921 Күн бұрын
Power slap is shit
@G.O.A.T-wm4pk Күн бұрын
Power slap is shit
@JewruMMA Күн бұрын
Was going good until Belal showed up
@dustin-c1z Күн бұрын
Power slap is shit
@freejackmafreestekifreemal1935 Күн бұрын
Why yall ban my comments when i ask why yall ban the paIestine flag on ufc website??
@panic26 Күн бұрын
Wtf Rey Mysterio randomly popping up. legend!!!
@Plaitonic Күн бұрын
I thought he was a little taller than that haha
@anasshahid224 Күн бұрын
@@panic26 619 in the house!! 🐐
@marckirby7356 Күн бұрын
​@@Plaitoniclooked Hella short huh lol
@yizzymx Күн бұрын
Randomly lmao
@TavernofTime Күн бұрын
These fighters are intense! 🥊 If you need to recover from all this adrenaline, come chill at Tavern of Time-where the only punches thrown are by pixel art bards. 🍷✨
@Monkeyseemonkeydo97 Күн бұрын
Can the production team stop recycling the press conference, we want behind the scenes content
@interestedparty7523 Күн бұрын
I honestly think that’s all the usable footage they have bruh.
@jonreal1765 Күн бұрын
Last minute swaps that’s what happens. Not everyone gets the rollout like Street Jesus.
@johnstanley7874 Күн бұрын
Stop complaining or start your own production company.
@TylerBaker-ky7rp Күн бұрын
Stop crying and be grateful
@MrRpres0088 Күн бұрын
Be grateful for what? Recycled content? Hahahahha 🤡
@vuhmie Күн бұрын
The video just starts and dc is running😂
@BlinkrBanana Күн бұрын
The ground is shaking
@matthewthompson7012 Күн бұрын
Fooooooooooood NOM NOM NOM
@e39shady Күн бұрын
He saw the single leg opening from across the room
@thomasc1017 Күн бұрын
Must be donuts nearby
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
@@thomasc1017he’s not a doughnut kinda guys he’s a chips guy
@alanlerka599 Күн бұрын
Fiziev casually dropping “arachnophobia” in his second language
@yizzymx Күн бұрын
Arachnophobia is pronounced the same way in multiple languages you 🤡
@smartalecc Күн бұрын
@@yizzymx beautiful fact you taught me there sir
@badrm9175 Күн бұрын
Arachnophobia is Latin
@gator124 Күн бұрын
@@yizzymxnot that deep dude
@TheBeigeRaider Күн бұрын
@@yizzymxi can tell you are short irl just from this comment btw
@JasmineTorres-w7u Күн бұрын
Fiziev casually dropped "arachnophobia" in his second language.
@lupusmusic8995 Күн бұрын
Yeah that’s very impressive
@sneakyy833 Күн бұрын
it sounds same in russian
@hisoka5912 23 сағат бұрын
It is the same in russian
@shay206 Күн бұрын
if you ever think you are useless, just remember Justin Gaethje has a wrestling coach
@scottross9681 Күн бұрын
Tell me you don’t know mma with out telling me
@marcjov8149 Күн бұрын
@ronmka8931 Күн бұрын
wrestling defence bro
@rerec6266 Күн бұрын
@@scottross9681 clearly a joke calm down
@Skriptz187 Күн бұрын
​@ronmka8931 worked good against khabib
@Omer-w7q2s Күн бұрын
Fiziev is such a humble and kind dude . I love this dude .
@drewwhy5541 4 сағат бұрын
Yep. Cool dude. Fantastic personality.
@BugBoiNasty Күн бұрын
DC running like a bag of laundry on the loose 😂😂
@Freiheit1232 Күн бұрын
Hahaha damn that got me
@migek Күн бұрын
😂 bro
@andrewSUN17 Күн бұрын
@TavernofTime Күн бұрын
These fighters are intense! 🥊 If you need to recover from all this adrenaline, come chill at Tavern of Time-where the only punches thrown are by pixel art bards. 🍷✨
@unbecoming2007 Күн бұрын
Too accurate. Ppl steal your laundry ? Surely you've witnessed this in a chase.
@Adam.0777 Күн бұрын
Damn that fan in the audience really took being a fan to the next level he has the war paint the Indian feathered hat and a championship belt in his lap.
@Berzerkah Күн бұрын
He makes a lot of content with Alex & is really good at imitating people getting ko’d on Ig😂
@Isaac-sb9my Күн бұрын
Did you miss the Jiri guy standing next to him hahaha
@benner720 Күн бұрын
@Squidrito Күн бұрын
Papi Gio
@flightplanstan144 Күн бұрын
For the Presser is crazy😂
@vee_loww9940 Күн бұрын
fiziev is such a vibe! great dude
@gurbanabbasov Күн бұрын
Indeed 🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿
@mf8838 Күн бұрын
Agreed. Nothing against Justin but I’m feeling Fiziev’s good vibes and energy.
@adamgoodman763 Күн бұрын
Yeah it’s hard not to root for Fiziev, just a cool chill ass dude
@muhsinkhalif3621 Күн бұрын
the speed in the combos is a site to be hold pa pa pa
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
@@gurbanabbasovgaethje is a much more vibe dude u must be a casual
@ryannguyen741 Күн бұрын
5:55 holy usmans knee buckling from getting off the van, crazy to think of his reign with no knees
@Reznor440 Күн бұрын
3:34 he's holding his knee from one light wrestle
@alpha15555 Күн бұрын
Yup was just about to comment this shit’s crazy
@TheEnderBand Күн бұрын
I have a janky left knee and it's such a hassle- I can't imagine both of mine being shot and still competing at the highest level. Watching him makes my shit flare up sympathetically haha
@FakePerc30 Күн бұрын
Love how everyone is realizing how funny a personality Fiziev is lol
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
Wtf do you mean dude barely speaks English
@ezzzmoney8978 Күн бұрын
@@meatrocket6979 ppl can only have a funny personality when then can speak english, I learn smthng new every day
@TheBeigeRaider Күн бұрын
@@meatrocket6979that’s what makes it funnier
@taker201 Күн бұрын
​@@meatrocket6979personality is beyond language and he speaks well if he speaks better he would be much more apreciated
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
@@TheBeigeRaider u mean like borat?
@FrankPantano Күн бұрын
Poatan bringing that tire shop energy
@Aaaa111-b9k Күн бұрын
From tire shop to 10 milion in one night😂
@MikeyMobn Күн бұрын
He went from not having money for his 2 son’s diapers but now can provide for his future grandchildren and so on and so forth
@daOnlyak1on Күн бұрын
Back to the tire shop we goooo😂 but alex deserves all he got may be the better man win
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
@@Aaaa111-b9khe’s not making anywhere near that he should just buy that tire shop he’d make way more money
@subzero-v6h Күн бұрын
chama clears this russian
@UrbanLegend2k11 Күн бұрын
Holy crap Rey Mysterio 😱 that's dope!
@axe12yearsago Күн бұрын
Bro you gotta put a jumpscare warning before showing Belal
@muhsinkhalif3621 Күн бұрын
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
@@muhsinkhalif3621because belal is menacing his pénense itself is intimidating
@andrewSUN17 Күн бұрын
@batattack4713 Күн бұрын
Don't worry you won't remember him in a few hours 😂
@axe12yearsago Күн бұрын
@@meatrocket6979 no hes just unfortunate looking
@TGr-f7l Күн бұрын
5:30 Justin being a top fighter in the world but also knowing acupuncture therapy gives some old school "Master of the Shaolin Temple" vibes
@JasmineTorres-w7u Күн бұрын
If you ever feel useless, remember that Justin Gaethje has a wrestling coach.
@novabayan209 Күн бұрын
copy paste ?
@robertperez4721 Күн бұрын
um ok? so do olympic wrestlers.
@angelo3998 Күн бұрын
@@robertperez4721what is your point exactly?
@angelo3998 Күн бұрын
Defensive wrestling is still wrestling no?
@nalsraaustralia Күн бұрын
? That’s like saying a pro boxer shouldn’t have a coach. You make no sense lmao
@R3miXtheGuru Күн бұрын
That Rey Mysterio jacket is absolutely filthy 🔥
@joneri85 Күн бұрын
Fun Fact: With every UFC fight won, Alex shows a extra tooth when he smiles
@Chris_Thorny Күн бұрын
WTF 😂😂 dude going to be like Venom??
@danInRealife 21 сағат бұрын
The fact that Alex plays Street Fighter II from back in the day, makes me a cemented fan of his. 🤙
@Jiu-JitsuJourney257 Күн бұрын
Why did it look like Glover didn’t know who wonderboy was lol
@jmz2144 Күн бұрын
Crazy they're only a few years apart
@jasont7814 Күн бұрын
Wonderboy looks a little different since he’s been transitioning.
@TGr-f7l Күн бұрын
2:24 Rey Mysterio thought Belal was Mexican 😭😭😭
@El_Bean_2923 Күн бұрын
Man he just tryna not let him feel left out rey dont think that😂
@diomond1987 Күн бұрын
@manjunaths1785 Күн бұрын
@@El_Bean_2923 Why because nobody remembers his name?
@knightmech6117 Күн бұрын
@khall187 Күн бұрын
El Balal La Mohammad
@Weeks25 Күн бұрын
It’s hard not to like Fizeiv. He’s such a happy positive guy. Alex looks like a million giant bucks in the face off!
@nosleepdsm Күн бұрын
The wife left but embedded remains!
@swingcity7 Күн бұрын
Here with a generic comment: I am looking forward to tomorrow’s event.
@georgecurd6246 Күн бұрын
me too
@muhsinkhalif3621 Күн бұрын
me too its sad to see alex lose but fck it he sacrificed his belt for the fans
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
@@muhsinkhalif3621sadly ankalaev destroys pereira easily
@rjplameras7435 Күн бұрын
Alex will win.These dagestanis have weak cardio just like umar when he got ragdolled by merab
@obuseight Күн бұрын
@@muhsinkhalif3621 If we all go to the mirror and say chama three times maybe Alex will win.
@rezlaso2742 Күн бұрын
Embedded really makes the week go by so fast 😂
@Evianfresh14 Күн бұрын
That wasn’t ray mysterio that was Henry cejudo
@AK-fr8sy Күн бұрын
@chrisvand2678 Күн бұрын
Hmm, I thought it was Captain Eric with a weird mask on. But somehow a known legend for many.
@marcjov8149 Күн бұрын
@aakashh.5 Күн бұрын
@Valarizator Күн бұрын
@JacobDeWaters Күн бұрын
Pereira having so much fun playing video games makes me so happy
@donbilligatti3004 Күн бұрын
Hey, Rey Mysterio🤘🏻🔥
@josephcamera7657 Күн бұрын
Based on his reactions I think Alex likes winning at street fighter more than defending his belt lol
@Staniii2360 Күн бұрын
😂 Smiling like a little kid.
@dg1431 Күн бұрын
Didn't he grow up in poverty in Brazil? How the hell is he good at video games?
@madliquidswordz181 Күн бұрын
@@dg1431Latin America has a ton of players because of arcade machines at local shops
@abaskhan8091 Күн бұрын
That Jiri fan is hilarious 😂😂
@leomelnalla608 Күн бұрын
@willmckenna3716 Күн бұрын
Belal always Working and helping others! It’s a Rare find in a champion ❤
@Jainko Күн бұрын
4:30 That anti air was clean as hell
@danf8047 Күн бұрын
At the end you can tell, the UFC staff, fighters, coaches and everybody involved it's a huge family. The work environment is so different
@neilkshakes2420 Күн бұрын
Belals eye still shows the damage he took from that eyepoke
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
I think belal has beautiful eyes
@neilkshakes2420 Күн бұрын
@meatrocket6979 this comment paired with your name makes this understandable
@andrewSUN17 Күн бұрын
He always had googly eyes, tho.
@andrewSUN17 Күн бұрын
@@meatrocket6979 love at first sight eh?
@chrisvand2678 Күн бұрын
Yeah, Mr. Sniper-Eye strikes again, whoa!!!
@L8NiteCoffeeSips Күн бұрын
6:08 was bro trying to look like Jiri??? LOL
@jackerscrackers7 Күн бұрын
How tf fiziev know the word arachnophobia 😅
@javongoehring2536 Күн бұрын
Lol I was impressed when he said that
@hooman6305 Күн бұрын
do you think mma fighters are stupid ???
@jackerscrackers7 Күн бұрын
@ ... no but you deffo are 😂 not even worth explaining it
@ItsameAlex Күн бұрын
coz it's probably the same in russian. It's of greek origin.
@jackerscrackers7 Күн бұрын
@@ItsameAlex ah nice 👌
@crusherdominator5149 Күн бұрын
2:03 Rey Mysterio 🐐🐐🐐
@dne6 Күн бұрын
we got alex pereira vs jiri prochazka 3 at home - 6:39
@anderandersson5229 Күн бұрын
Lol 😂
@clxud1 Күн бұрын
@BestaticbeastDl Күн бұрын
Lol dayum 🤣🤣😂😂😂
@Berko.. Күн бұрын
Daily reminder that Jones is ducking aspinall
@go2war4allah 10 сағат бұрын
Belal & Usman💯🐐🐐🇵🇸🇳🇬
@yenohtnA Күн бұрын
1:40 belals eyes bother me
@smokestrong1000 Күн бұрын
He had a bunch of surgeries from eye pokes on his eyeballs. Almost lost one of both eyeballs like bisping
@badboybadboybadboybadboy2144 Күн бұрын
Lets go boys. Man these big boys have auras. They both beasts. May they both stay healthy.
@DanielDr1 Күн бұрын
Happy Chamadan!
@acegaming4631 Күн бұрын
Pereira fan girls does not need to congratulate 😂😂😂.
@acegaming4631 Күн бұрын
Pereira fan girls does not need to congratulate 😂😂😂.
@GameOnline16 Күн бұрын
- in Islamic religion, all demons are chained during the month of Ramadan. - + Muslims have something called "Reqia," which is like "exorcism" for the Christians but more powerful So, there are no Shamanism or satanist spiritual rituals that can work against Ankalaev😎
@algorithmsboul Күн бұрын
@@acegaming4631 zip it up when u done
@fuuf7092 Күн бұрын
wake up! they had to add the trinity later Many Christians use this verse to prove the existence of the Trinity. For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. (1 John 5:7) The issue with this verse is that it is universally recognized by Biblical scholars and historians, including thirty-two Christian scholars of the highest eminence backed by fifty cooperating Christian denominations, as being inserted by the Church later. Since it was proven that this verse is a fabrication, it has been deleted from some of the later Bibles, such as the Revised Standard Version and the New Revised Standard Version...,,.,
@mysticpapiknows Күн бұрын
Perfect timing ⏱️
@youtubeconnollyfamily 23 сағат бұрын
I love when two fighters look at each other and they know they can get that 50 K bonus and they both agreed to it
@MrHandsomeboynow Күн бұрын
5:54 cobblestone knees
@P38567 Күн бұрын
@Steven-rp8zo Күн бұрын
good editing for immediate translation during Q&A. Wish they did this more often.
@JambonJovii Күн бұрын
Jiri in the crowd 😂
@leomelnalla608 Күн бұрын
@leomelnalla608 Күн бұрын
@leomelnalla608 Күн бұрын
@leomelnalla608 Күн бұрын
@360Fov Күн бұрын
Alex's manager is such a bad ass but also cool ass guy
KO incoming powered by Tyre shop trash talk
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
Ko incoming powered by inshallah energy
@sethismess Күн бұрын
​​@@meatrocket6979and when Ank loses, the excuses will also be powered by inshallah energy
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
@ but ank won’t lose no top fighter that fought during Ramadan has lost allah always Leads them to victory inshallah Allahu akbar
@aceylaboy9773 Күн бұрын
4:10 legendary moment
@maheenahmed4389 Күн бұрын
fiziev seems like just all around nice and good human being that could also tear you from limb to limb
@natnaeldemisse275 Күн бұрын
1:35 I can't remember his name who is he ?
@mattyctill 19 сағат бұрын
Barry Hamed or something...
@TheMRZENRIFFER 22 сағат бұрын
Is Ragnar fighting?
@thijsdeboer389 Күн бұрын
Rey Mysterio showing up on embedded was not on my bingo card
@alse93 Күн бұрын
DC sounding like the original daffy the duck at the beginning
@Phocieda Күн бұрын
5:07 - I know a Coors light can when I see it.
@CinematicTendency Күн бұрын
Anyone else watching UFC 313 at AMC Theaters?! 🔥🙋🏻‍♂️
@go2war4allah 10 сағат бұрын
Belal appearance 🐐🇵🇸
@gregnoel7967 Күн бұрын
Man oh man. That stare down gave me chills. I’ve never felt worried for Alex before.
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
U better start worrying now cus ankalaev is gonna destroy him easily
@CornellD.Cavendish Күн бұрын
​@@meatrocket6979keep the receipts on your predictions
@applesauce9982 Күн бұрын
Stone hand getting his game on lol I love it
@Loaded_Amir Күн бұрын
Finally I can break my Iftar
@torreysworld Күн бұрын
Magomed has the face of the hand rubbing meme lmao
@SuperPIGGIES123 Күн бұрын
4:53 alex voice crack
@zaddybushido Күн бұрын
@thebeautifulgame3185 Күн бұрын
2:59 that backflip was clean 😅
@jaischristmann8031 Күн бұрын
I love Pereira and all is team❤
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
I love ankalaev and all his team
@leomelnalla608 Күн бұрын
kita lage silag bold pina kalit
@popeye5274 Күн бұрын
Street Fighter never gets old. Chama!
@kevindurant2070 Күн бұрын
0:59 whos that double cheeked up baddie?
@Tegulatus Күн бұрын
jalin turner
@ShivneelSingh-f9j Күн бұрын
Baddie? Where
@dennisyebbz Күн бұрын
Happy to see the UFC fighters are living good. They deserve it
@Steph_Engelb Күн бұрын
1:38 who is that again? 😂
@mf8838 Күн бұрын
It’s the guy who’s going to set a new record for longest time holding a belt without defending it.
@yitan1991 Күн бұрын
No idea, must be a paid actor
@FredyVega117 Күн бұрын
Casual MMA fan detected
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
@@FredyVega117no it was impa kasanganay
@mf8838 Күн бұрын
@ How so?
@tawandaJerry Күн бұрын
Daniel always trying to hug dudes man.... Wild
@AxomVQ Күн бұрын
5:54 my god Usman just hang the gloves up..
@noone8118 Күн бұрын
That was sad
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
@@noone8118no way bro usman needs to fight belal he destroys Muhammad easily
@rekanpayne6606 Күн бұрын
Buddy walks like me after leg day
@deralleskonnendeboss9304 Күн бұрын
i've been searching for that comment haha
@Quick-- Күн бұрын
3:44 i can't believe there's no time stamps for this hilarious moment alex emotes playing the game referencing his jamahal ko
@sethgreenwell6565 Күн бұрын
Finally, now that one guy can eat lunch
@jaydeepsen4769 Күн бұрын
06:37 Jiri is looking over Alex's shoulder 😂😂
@DeanMoriarty95 Күн бұрын
1:37 What’s his name again?
@FredyVega117 Күн бұрын
Casual MMA fan detected
@cobracommander9138 Күн бұрын
Rey Mysterio looked like he can barely walk. A true legend.
@Avbj549 Күн бұрын
Everytime I tune in to UFC I have goosebumps. We got NBA, NFL, NHL and baseball. Today we witnessing UFC and they have a great team. So original. Salute to Dana White. Incredible.
@GengoSenmon Күн бұрын
None of those other sports require 0.00001% of the bravery it takes to step into that octagon and have the door lock behind you🥊
@84jordie Күн бұрын
Fiziev seems like one of the nicest ufc fighters in these interviews. Seems very chill!
@DeanMoriarty95 Күн бұрын
1:37 What’s his name? I always forget the boring fighters
@LokiBrother01 Күн бұрын
He’s a fighter?
@FredyVega117 Күн бұрын
Casual MMA fan detected
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
@@FredyVega117only a true casual ever uses the C word u must be a casual
@CFH50 Күн бұрын
@@meatrocket6979 Exactly, kids these days can't think of an original thought or comment, so it's the same bullshit "casual" line.
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
@ bro when did this whole casual thing start? I’ve been watching for two decades since pride and I haven’t started hearing it until like Covid era
@stevenratcliff8956 Күн бұрын
There are so many class acts on this card. Justin, Raphael, Mag, even Alex, as big of a star he’s become. No excessive shit talking. Just fighters that want to fight
@Xtro-1098 Күн бұрын
C H A M Ankalaev taken a nap
@9snaga 8 сағат бұрын
😂😂😂Big nap
@gedsonvigalo1535 Күн бұрын
@JewruMMA Күн бұрын
Incoming comments talking about it being lunch time for likes
@AlwaysTheNose Күн бұрын
i recognize the nose
@yizzymx Күн бұрын
Like yours?
@always0n145 Күн бұрын
I can’t fekn wait going to be a banger !!! 👊🏾
@lukeadamson7097 Күн бұрын
1:32 shut up
@FredyVega117 Күн бұрын
Casual MMA fan detected
@Trs-ir8ey Күн бұрын
@lukeadamson7097 Күн бұрын
@@FredyVega117 we not allowed to have negative opinions on folk no more? 🤡🤡🤡
@abudujana13 Күн бұрын
Thanks for the video, UFC
@truthseeker107Walk-sn3nq Күн бұрын
All the best to Magomed . We love 💕 you brother. Love and regards from Goa India 🤝
@Beastking1107 Күн бұрын
I like the idea of Fiziev winning, but Justin so is well mentally grounded, I can see him going out there and having a great performance Good luck to both of them
@samn130 Күн бұрын
Glover has no idea who Steven Thompson is lol
@Chasedogggggg Күн бұрын
Just when I thought I couldn't like Pereira anymore then I already do, my guy plays street fighter. Legend
@TheEdzy25 Күн бұрын
If ankalaev wins....big If, we will only see him fight once a year. Lets go Poatan!
@meatrocket6979 Күн бұрын
Ankalaev will win Alex has zero wrestling maga beats him easily
@alfiashaikh9228 Күн бұрын
Show Ankalaev some more
@edcito088 Күн бұрын
Just in time for lunch😎
@spidertheakronaut Күн бұрын
Alex dressed like it's the late 70s and he just founded the Latin Kings 😂
@NatetheGreat009 Күн бұрын
I see Belal I fast forward
@uzfnjzubtfjzbd Күн бұрын
He killed my watching pleasure dead
@Kalau_1234 Күн бұрын
Aaannnd new magomed ankalaeeeev..
@JizzFace-e4z Күн бұрын
Justin's mental strength is amazing man.
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