The crowd looks inthralled like no one took there eyes off the fight
@SoftEyes-u1n7 минут бұрын
It's deeply disappointing what this company represents today. I used to buy every PPV and loved the sport, but Dana White's political affiliations and support for Donald Trump have left a sour taste. Because of this, along with many others, I’ve stopped purchasing PPVs. On top of that, the recent support for the Tate brothers is troubling-they symbolize many of the issues facing the world today, particularly for young, impressionable boys seeking role models in deeply problematic figures.
@SoftEyes-u1n7 минут бұрын
It's deeply disappointing what this company represents today. I used to buy every PPV and loved the sport, but Dana White's political affiliations and support for Donald Trump have left a sour taste. Because of this, along with many others, I’ve stopped purchasing PPVs. On top of that, the recent support for the Tate brothers is troubling-they symbolize many of the issues facing the world today, particularly for young, impressionable boys seeking role models in deeply problematic figures.
@ThirdoptionJCSU8 минут бұрын
The best war of all times.
@achso67609 минут бұрын
Put him Ankalaev and forget
@Oneoffsforalifetime10 минут бұрын
Paddy would destroy Ilia
@user-vy4dt6jg9g11 минут бұрын
Conor’s illegal moves: 12-6 elbows, back of the head strikes, grabbing shorts, grabbing gloves, grabbing fence, kneeing downed opponent, and pointing fingers towards his face to risk eye poke
@Reiderreiter11 минут бұрын
2:02 - That explains why the Royce/Shamrock rematch has 32M views on here. It’s just Rogan watching it over and over again.
@Akeso_ppp15 минут бұрын
wrong, first fight was he lost to adesanye and second he win…
@M7medKasem16 минут бұрын
Happy that the sandman and figgy are fighting, not happy with the matchup
@kylescholz281621 минут бұрын
Bros my favorite fighter now
@666.BlackDog22 минут бұрын
Hooker vs poirier number 1
@tnoiredclay22 минут бұрын
Chael is the absolute GOAT 🐐 had they not came and broke this up, It would’ve been embarrassing.
@Funnytaboo-mb3um22 минут бұрын
Put him ankalaev
@alanvazquezfernandez861223 минут бұрын
Jajajajajajajaja que gran chiste lo del mejor boxeador de la ufc
@benstacks-ltd24 минут бұрын
Let’s go fellas !!!
@Mozart_Berg25 минут бұрын
I saw that dude like mighty mouse lmao
@arifurmollah438625 минут бұрын
@Funnytaboo-mb3um25 минут бұрын
Put him ankalaev
@xgetxsickx27 минут бұрын
Duality of man
@markyvmarkyv28 минут бұрын
A wise man once said: chiwiwis, woooooo
@nguyenminhdang431528 минут бұрын
Back when bro looked less like a clown
@barryallen823130 минут бұрын
The casuals think omalley is the only fighter at BW 🤦♂️ figgy easy win then its time for title shot
@SbSDEFTxSTAR31 минут бұрын
Cheating Chandler😢
@dylanvail511631 минут бұрын
I swear khabib refuses to strike for more than 45 seconds.... It's called MMA bud not "how can I wrestle a striker for 4 minutes"
@amith781432 минут бұрын
The last style bender Adesanya❤
@rafikulahamed95933 минут бұрын
Yaaa Allah 🤲
@Yaminashi42034 минут бұрын
“Bro I just wanna be friends, like why can’t we hang out?” *Proceeds to push and start fight while wearing flip flops 😅😅😅
@yeahbuddy300lbs35 минут бұрын
Man this fight does nothing for Sandhagen. Should have been him vs 3’Malley
@theawesomest285059 секунд бұрын
They protecting rainbow man
@Nomedreab36 минут бұрын
How is he so fast and explosive!? Its impressive!
@allisworth76636 минут бұрын
Jean is so cringe hope e gets submited and bark less