@@perryblackwell6179 he probably already got one by now and you stunods are wasting your energy
@julessantacarlo2514Ай бұрын
The old ones were so insane, eye gouging scratching, biting genital strikes, kick while on the ground, and biting all legal moves.
@gs2460Ай бұрын
Man, the old UFC days were fuckin golden! Just straight up, no nonsense street fights in an octagon! Love every second of this shit!
@GrecoRoman123Ай бұрын
90s UFC man, what an exciting time, brand new stuff
@titanayrumАй бұрын
90's showed that Wrestling and Jiu Jitsu are essential to become successful (royce/coleman), that toughness actually gets you far in the sport (Frye), and that Leg Kicks are extremely brutal (Rizzo/Ruas)
@michaelhood2109Ай бұрын
No one's gonna make the "give the guy who runs this channel a raise" comment?
@shamusorthington4703Ай бұрын
😂 i Wonder too
@bychen5011Ай бұрын
give the guy who runs this channel a raise
@JG-ce3puАй бұрын
No, they should pay him less, actually
@ceck5155Ай бұрын
It’s the UFC, ain’t nobody getting a raise 😂
@R.PMcMurphyАй бұрын
You just did
@danseth5775Ай бұрын
This is actually the 2nd UFC fight between Frye vs Goodrich. Don won both tough contests. This 2nd fight is part of a one night heavyweight tournament. Don Frye won the tournament after beating Tank Abbott in the final match. This card is called UFC Ultimate Ultimate 96. It's one of the best cards in UFC history
@thecobra6150Ай бұрын
It really is. So many legends, I have it on dvd!
@RandomyoutubecommenterАй бұрын
Early ufc was wild
@SithsoloАй бұрын
the Shamrock V Ortiz was called too soon even the commission rolled it back and called it a "No Contest"
@CujoBD.3 күн бұрын
Six unanswered elbows is wild.
@me_joshАй бұрын
No rounds no weight limits.... You have to fight twice in one night to get the belt...rhats how it was
@jakemetzgarАй бұрын
That’s insane looking back on it
@jervoskitzinАй бұрын
Or even three times for some people
@BallisticBen247Ай бұрын
Those were the days, when the clock went up instead of down.
@bobsaget9931Ай бұрын
Don Frye is a fucking LEGEND. We all know Tank Abbott, you saw what he did and Don went TOE TO TOE with him and fatty falls over, Don takes his soul while his shines. Bloodied, but not beaten. One of my favourite early UFC fights.
@sticktothefacts8905Ай бұрын
He got away with a pretty bad cage grab. What the ref doesnt see.......
@shamusorthington4703Ай бұрын
More of these Old fights please
@zekeclouse6459Ай бұрын
Don Frye is the Old-school MMA GOAT!
@shadyganley8877Ай бұрын
Barry Goodwrench was amazing back then.
@johnmartlew5897Ай бұрын
“Tank don’t hurt your hand when you’re trapping.” OOO! Nasty!
@MichaelWLeeАй бұрын
I always found it funny how the early ufc had very vague rules that none of the fighters seemed to know and in the really early events there were no judges so there’s no way to enforce the rules
@MrWolfchamp-xi3cuАй бұрын
The Dan Severn Macias fight ain't even in the time stamps or anything Shame cause that fight is a banger Suplex after suplex. Leading up to the finish. Probably the best fight I've seen in the video other than Frye vs Abbott
@johnmartlew5897Ай бұрын
20:32 That high five required a hospital visit.
Ай бұрын
0:10 My whole karate dojo and myself went to Rubén Rodríguez coliseum at Bayamón, Puerto Rico for the previous UFC. We didn't know who Don Frye & Goodrich were. I remember Tank, who wasn't in the roster, almost went to the fists against other fighter near the first rows of seats 😂. After Goodrich violently elbow a previous rival he had locked in a crucifixion hold, then Puerto Rico Governor Pedro Rosselló made mma illegal in the island 😂. A pal of mine luckily got an autograph from Dan Severn after we caught of him walking outside North of Rubén Rodríguez coliseum. 🏆😎
@wheelmanstanАй бұрын
tank's jab, WOW
@AllergybroАй бұрын
Goodrich was absolutely brutal on Herrera
@BrandonR420Ай бұрын
I’ve watched ufc since the beginning 🤘🏻
@jamdaddy4181Ай бұрын
Those elbows..., he was already out at the first one, the rest was bonus.
@dxxofficialАй бұрын
gotta start somewhere, with perseverance UFC is big now
@JesseChanthunyaАй бұрын
😭 why is bro using a judo gi
@climbingsilvАй бұрын
In these days,Frye was one of the technical fighter, but later in PRIDE he had been a power fighter.
@thehighbrowgamer9957Ай бұрын
UFC bring back ONE 12min round plz!!!
@keithalessi9179Ай бұрын
Herb!!! 😂
@wheelmanstanАй бұрын
i can't recall seeing a finish like big daddy's here
@wheelmanstanАй бұрын
frye said he was DUMB to box tank, haha, incredible power and frye somehow survived them
@edwardcabrasАй бұрын
Don Frye, winner due to submission by top position.
@Justin-d1z7h8 күн бұрын
Don is a great stryker
@i.c.deadpeople1453Ай бұрын
Frye is built for Nam. Funny the tank fight tank looking back like he was gonna do something walking away after being choked out. If there was no ref tank would have been in another realm today. Don Frye is a legend, abbot was a slob with hands but clearly beat himself in the Frye fight.Turtle on his back
@user_nkhj5bgkl6Ай бұрын
레트로지만 너무 신선하다. 목을 감싸고 힘겨루는게 이때 먹히는 방식이었나보다.
@akhilpremkumar7557Ай бұрын
UFC ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@mikekosar613524 күн бұрын
Was that Tony Little..??🤣
@wildcat8598Ай бұрын
I understand it was Gary Goodrich’s nickname but just seems odd hearing a grown Man call another Man “Big Daddy” so many times in a row😂
@carolyngallegos3632Ай бұрын
Let's go good Chanel
@sallopez5684Ай бұрын
Back suplee and jujitso man made me lmao 😂 old commentators didn’t even know what they were talking about 😂
@declamatoryАй бұрын
Where's the 24-hour-long fight between Sakuraba and Gracie?
@YungbeckАй бұрын
Give the raise who channels this run a guy!
@axe12yearsagoАй бұрын
People forget man
@bidenonabender5903Ай бұрын
0:35 that looks like the weakest punch i have ever seen in my life! :)
@purpcris13Ай бұрын
Thanks new guy that runs channel keep it up 👍🏽 👌🏽👨🏽🍳
@cardiocain2122Ай бұрын
Don frye win by his opponent tired
@ArenatossengАй бұрын
20:18 궁중무술 게리굿리지
@YungbeckАй бұрын
Wait they could headbutt and PULL HAIR??? nah that's crazy
@Xformat01Ай бұрын
Some of the things these announces said are just hilarious, such as . . . "He should be alright. He's moving." That's after Goodrich brutally KOd his opponent. 20:37
@poppygloriaАй бұрын
He looks to be alright...
@GaryOKАй бұрын
suplay ... suplex
@MartyHolman123 күн бұрын
Gracies are a disgrace. Straight fixed fights back then. We saw what happened when Matt Hughes went against Royce.
@yared8771Ай бұрын
Give the run who guys this channel a raise
@GrbdvАй бұрын
@RandomyoutubecommenterАй бұрын
1:21 was that frickin Kurt cobain?
@dwights4913Ай бұрын
Kurt Cobain died in 94…
@davidweisschadelАй бұрын
No this was in 96 when fryer fought goodrich
@dwights4913Ай бұрын
@@davidweisschadel right, Cobain died two years earlier
@davidweisschadelАй бұрын
@@dwights4913 yeah sad days man
@user-xs3ps1nq3eАй бұрын
@@dwights4913look at the guy in the video tho. He’d beat Kurt himself in a lookalike contest.
@gilberttortaliniАй бұрын
Wow goodridge was a beast!
@AIGeneratedUserАй бұрын
The Gracie’s were such a joke
@Daaaw23Ай бұрын
Someone deserves payraise😂❤ some people are never happy
@Saber_MatrixАй бұрын
Herb Dean was terrible back then and still terrible today...
@Clem_FandangoooАй бұрын
Give the guy who raises this runs a channel!!!
@YungbeckАй бұрын
@OutalonejunkieАй бұрын
Kimo wins if royce didnt punk out and grab his hair.
@chrislewis5069Ай бұрын
Tito is so stupid? You can't even be mad at him.
@karan1653Ай бұрын
Let’s go
@Anthony-om2xnАй бұрын
Let’s goo first view first comment Jesus is king !!
@nathansezfner8098Ай бұрын
Amen brother
@AureliusRАй бұрын
lmao. Imagine saying something that stupid on a video of fight entertainment. I don't think "jesus" would want you watching something so violent, it might corrupt your soul. You should go back to watching daytime soap operas.
@nathansezfner8098Ай бұрын
@@AureliusR hating on someone for no reason won’t get you anywhere in life (as shown by you)
@AureliusRАй бұрын
@ uh, yeah, okay. I don't think you know what the word "hate" means. I laugh at religious folk, I don't hate them.
@hoshthemosh5701Ай бұрын
Amen brother
@Marek-y9iАй бұрын
Real fighters no like someones nowadays clowns It was oldschools gladiators aka Sparta
@h2ohamer271Ай бұрын
That has to be a Guinness book record for the longest hug between two males(First fight)
@jamesc579327 күн бұрын
All rigged
@AureliusRАй бұрын
Man, Big John used to be a pretty awful ref.
@davidweisschadelАй бұрын
What? You know the rules were different back then right... btw big jon is the main reason there's modern rules in ufc.
@AureliusRАй бұрын
@@davidweisschadel Oh I know, he's an *amazing* ref now, probably the best in the business... but man, he was giving grapplers like no time to work before threatening to separate them.
@davidweisschadelАй бұрын
@AureliusR ooo yes I recall that kinda stuff. Yes your right... There have been other refs like that aswell. I wanna say herzog used to do that aswell. But I could be wrong on who it was.
@OnMicMMAАй бұрын
Whachya doing this for? Sus af.... im watchin you.... promote your lame shit. Nervous about the BKFC trying to look hardcore and shit.... get outta here. I know these guys dont know yet, but some of us doooo.
@ToysToolsandTalesАй бұрын
This guy makes a ton of money no one's giving him a raise lol. You think Dana gonna pay fighters more? Let alone this guy. He makes hundreds of thousands a year more than you make 😅. He probably even gets a percent of the channel. Stop making the raise comment.
@WtfWhy-tl2zlАй бұрын
Why must we see fry good ridge, what a bunch of crap
@declamatoryАй бұрын
Your anguish is palpable. Here's hoping that many years of counseling will help you.
@jvllbnt3759Ай бұрын
Crapiest fights i ever seen
@LAdS897Ай бұрын
@declamatoryАй бұрын
Worse than your command of English?
@jontiu1161Ай бұрын
If it wasn’t for the pioneers we wouldn’t have mma at the level it is today
@jvllbnt3759Ай бұрын
@@jontiu1161 those fights were crap anyways
@dbl8656Ай бұрын
If the fight wasn't televised it would have been hard to believe that Frye won by the looks of his face.